Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tuesday Mini-Reviews

And the winner is.........American Hustle..That is my prediction for Best Picture.
Sorry but as good as 12 Years a Slave is, it is still a remake. That was Solomon's Northup Oddessey
Starring Avery Brooks as part of Amercian Playhouse Theatre back in 1981. Check IMDB for details.

Just 3 reviews for now as the rest will be posted next week after the holidays.

American Hustle: 5 -The picture that Scorcese should have done. This will win the big Oscar.
Director David O Russell pulls this one off with a great cast and soundtrack which I should mention
does not have not one Rolling Sonte especially Gimme Shelter which winds up in every Marty movie.
It evens has a cameo from one of the cast members from Casino showing up. Less said the better.
More on the show on MNN this Saturday.

All is Lost: 3 - Oscar nod for Best Actor for sure. Basic survival story but it's Redford performance that gives this picture it's hook. Besides on word said, think of "Noooooooooo" you basically read his face throught out the whole picture. While a bit long this still kept my attention all they way through. Note: and not a spoiler, a lot of the action takes place on a boat and rubber raft. So don't let the poster fool you. There's a lot more going on than you think.

Walking With Dinosaurs: 2 - What a mess. Yes, it has great graphics and the actors voices are cute but the story is all over the place. It tries to be educational, funny, cute, suspenseful but it'sall in the wrong places.
Strictly for the kiddies, under 10. This movie apparently forget to the 10 year old in me.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Links

Here are a few posts of critics and film fans chosing thier best and worst of 2013:

Picking on Sups again but the big winner was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Hell yeah!

Why is Springbreakers on this list? Yuch. The Worlds End is more like it.
And of Course 12 Years a Slave is the most obvious one.

According to this Gravity, American Hustle, 12 Years A Slave, sounds about right but
Blue Jasmine made the list. There's all talk for Blanche but no talk for Woody, that's strange.

Most of these didn't care or didn't hear of. But Blue is the Warmest Color is this years most
boring picture. Take away that 10 minute sex scene and you have, well not much of anything.

Except for Pain and Gain this list is even worst. And why did Stoker make for lists?

Remember the links I included back in the summer about tax breaks and incentives?
Well Avatar nails it on why the sequels are filmed back to back, aka Hobbits. Makes sense, I guess.

The only reason I posted this is the girls from Springbreakers in handcuffs considering that's about the only thing good about this picture. Scroll down past Franco's mug for the pic. I do like the jib at Sups again.
And again Pacific Rim gets a nod. The rest? who cares...,,

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Worst Films of the Year List 2013 According to Forbes.


I gotta admit, some of these are agree with and one or two are on my list: Die Hard 5.
But some of these don't:
Elysium: While not as tight as District 9 and it does play like some fo the sci-fi movies of the 1970's
like Soylent Green, there was enough action to keep this running along and the cast was good.
Sharknado: This was suppose to be a bad sy fy movie of the week. Actualy this was one of the
funiest movies of the year. Adam Sandler couldn't touch this stuff! And if I had a beer for everytime
I yelled "INCOMING" I'd be past out drunk on the floor by the end of the movie.

As far as "Men of Steel" that was the one movie tht I agree I had so much issues with but
didn't make my top 10 lworst list. The film had it's moments. Crowe as Sups father still works for me.
I like the Godzilla comparison for the third act. Good observation. That's the third paragraph in the
"Men of Steel" review.

MOnday more top 10 lists and Tuesdays a couple of movie reviews.
Hint: All is Lost: Redford Oscar Nod for Best Actor. I was very surprise.

PS Hopefully that Big Mish Mash this week or anything! I need to put something up before the NY.
Letts see what happens.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2014 Predictions Already?

Not me but this article already got me pissed off for the new year:

Never mind anything on this list but they got Godzilla wrong comparing this to Pacific Rim.
Pacific Rim had an audience considering it was an original idea on an old concept. And with
no major stars and no familiar creatures. Add a house hold name and Boom, Big Box Office.
And don't forget the American Godzilla had an audience even tho it was a remake of Beast
of 20,000 and was ust an overgrown Iguana.
Godzilla will be huge and wait when they add the oldies like Mothra and King G for the rest
of the franchise.

And talk about a subject that some of us couldn't care less.
Just call this Justice League already and write off Bats Vs. Sups. It's Hopeless.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Assorted Top 10 Movie Polls of 2013

More coming this weekend but for now here are 2 lists for you to compare and for me to add my 2 cents.

Movie Poll with some interesting choices:
Pacific Rim at No. 3 Yes!
IM3 at No. 2, people still brain washed I see
Gravity No. 1, guess some got the hots ofr Bullock. um..okay....
BUT FF6 at No. 16? What the hell? And I mean that compare to the Box Office
which doesn't match?
And both my favorite end of the world flix made the top 20, I'm good with that.

While Gravity is being the big surprise for the year there's quite a few on this
that really surprised me. Besides the horror movies like "The Conjuring" which
was plain garbage and boring to boot considering the talent behind it, most of
the others deserve to be seen.
My personal favorite on this list is "Inistructions Not Included".
The one movie that deserves to be nominated on all lists and won't because of
politics. This one is listed in my top 10 of the year on our web site.

By the way for those who couldn't find that page here is that link:

This page also represents all the 20 years we've been doing this. Man, time flies.
And yes, still having problems with the webserver recognizing the Radio Show page.
They are working on it as I've been told for the past 2 weeks. For crying out loud...

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Dr. Who Ending - Xmas Show

Spoiler! They just couldn't wait to post this as this was in my mail this morning before I even got a chance to see this thanks to DVR. If your a fan and haven't by now watched it, don't know why, don't see this.
But if your not a fan, again I don't know why, this episode is the reason we Whovians love this show.
It starts off with humour, great story telling, action, sci-fi, sad ending, surprise cameo and ends with again,
humour with a great line.

Warning this is the last 5 minutes as presented on the show. So yell at RS for this, not me.

More on the big show now that this episode has finally played I can go ahead wrap up the year.
More on that Tomorrow and announcements on the schedules for the specials.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Just a couple of links for the curious as the year is now winding down. Our Best and Worst lists
will be coming next week as my guest host David and video host Mark get their lists together.
Most of mine is already up on the main website to give you an idea what I liked and hated, lol.

Cute gif from these guys.

Half of these sucked but goes to show people stay home ans see these out of cuioursity.

This will at least the the Oscar for Special Effects. Also nods for Best Pic and Actress is a given.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tuesday's Mini-Reviews

Couple of reviews for the holidays to see. All good for a change. 1-5, bad to worst.

Saving Mr. Banks: 4 - Great performances are the highlights for this movie. Emma deserves an Oscar nod and she might get it for the Golden Globes. While it starts as an actual depiction of the events turns into fantasy in the second half, that did not bother at all. This is Disney and they will protect their property at all costs. The big mouse can do that. As we mentioned on our last live show on MNN. I know, cheap plug but it worked for the mouse who are celebrating Mary Poppins 50th anniversary. For all the negative reviews they are just a bunch of grinches for the holiday. My only problem was there were too many  flashbacks which in turn do explain why her book was so precious to her as a drama, and great performance by Collin Farrell as the dad I might add. But they could've condensed them somewhat. And Hanks was great as Disney but it is Emma's movie.

Anchorman 2: - 3. Let me start I am not a fan of the first movie. With that said, I was surprised I actually like this one. They are some very funny moments and one liners. Half don't work, some fall flat but they do it works like a charm. Steve Carrell still annoys me but has some funny one liners as I don't think of him much of a comedian. But that line about his shadow had me going. Pual Rudd about his being Lady Killers was so wrong but again so funny. Main problem and I agree with some of the critics out there. This should have been 90 minutes and over stays it welcome. So this in a packed house they laughing all the way through. So what the hell do I know.

Golden Voyage of Sinbad/Sinbad Eye of the Tiger: 4
For us Ray Harryhausen fans these titles are finally on BR. But they don't have the care with bonus features like the previous with only exception of the music score for Golden Voyage which is interesting for composers and musicians alike. Like me, lol. Watched Golden today and the upgrade is still worth it. Saw 15 minutes of Sinbad and this will be my Xmas present to me to watch tomorrow.
Please note: Both films are released separately.

More details on that Harryhausen special like I promised. Thanks Santa, timing couldn't have been better.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday Links including Best and Worst Lists.

Everything but "Machete Kills". It was an in joke on 007 Bond Moonraker that nobody got.

Everything but "The Call" with Halle Berry. Great "B" movie that has it's moments. With an over the top ending.  A 2 for Tuesday worth seeing.

"Dads" should have been the first one. Shame for M Fox and Sean Hayes. Those are great comedians but stuck in bad shows. Parks and Community should be on this list, never liked the damn thing to begin with.

Make sure you read the comments that he viewers lift, pretty much on the money.

At this rate I';m surprise this wasn't on those lists above. This has no chance at the Oscars. Oh well.

So Fast 7 is going ahead.still curious how they are going to edit this together.

Let's not forget Vin did the voice of the "Iron Giant" which much people forget. And that was a great movie
which paid tribute to the old 1950's sci-fi movies of the day.

We said this on our live show a few weeks back with our review of the show.
Chick flicks are taking over. Well they can't be worse than the male macho movies of lately.
Some of which are bad or just pain boring.

The Big Mish Mash showing coming this week. The Best and Worst with a new co-host also coming.
Godzilla show coming first week in January. Other specials will be premiere also in January.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

New Show Today at 5pm, EST

New Show on MNN at 5 pm., EST.

2014 Posters are here already. How Many of these are you going to see?

The first 5 films that are highlighted for the coming year. 5 thatI have no interest in. Netflix please, thank you.

No Sookie? what the hell. Still pissed off on this one. I know, an extra on the Blu-ray way to make us
buy the damn thing. But this an insult. An academy Award winner who proved herself as a Producer on
True Blood and this is the thanks she gets? At least the trailer, included is cool.

What a coincidence. As stated last week we joined these other social sites and on SW is on Tumblr. Cool.

Friday, December 20, 2013

New Show Tomorrow on MNN at 5 PM, EST

New show tomorrow on MNN at 5 pm, EST. We will be having one more live show on January 11 which will cover the best and worst of the year.

Next week will be test beds for the preview show for Talk Shoe Radio. Scroll down and look for our new widget for that on the right hand side after the BTR widgets.

And of course the Big Mish Mash along with our End of Year  Special along with that Godzilla Special will happen for 2014 kicks in. Full details coming this Monday.

If you scroll down the Home Page you will see the links to all of our Radio Shows as the web server I'm using is not recognizing the Radio page. Something that's out of my hands for now.
They are also on the News Page and you can see them there.

Funny thing most of use agree these movies sucked. Too many to mentioned. What do you think?

Old article of Princess Leia on the beach. Figured what the hell.

Everything on this site is on my Xmas list. Watch Santa look the other way.
And yes I like building models and puzzles and things of that sort. It's great for meditation.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday's Leftovers

We haven't forgotten our Big Mish Mash show as I'm trying to tie up everything to together for a big
finale for the year. And yes we are still updating the Radio page on our website as the host is trying to fix the glitch. But the info is now on the main page and on our News section. In the meantime:

Damn, half of Hollywood is in this friggin thing. What was Willis thinking? Mel Gibson as the bad
guy is going to work as a charm. If anyone saw Machete Kills, it was the highlight of the film.
Note: stay tune after the trailer as they are more clips following the main one.

Zoe can't act. She held up her own against Kurt Russell and what made that film work. Just bring on
all the kick ass babes and this will work. Cause I'm not looking forward to Hunger Games 3. Sorry Jen.

Special thanks to Cinemablend for those extras trailer. More bang for the buck.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday's Leftover's Plus Announcement

Are far as Blog Talk Radio shows go, I am going to finish those specials starting with the Big Mish Mash Show that might be in 2 parts then the Big Godzilla show for Xmas. After that I'll let you know if we continue with the specials in January or pull back into 30 minute shows for the rest in winter as I'm paying for this and it's not coming out as it should be but we will come back in full mode for the big summer blockbusters.

But for now I signed up to this new radio station and will be doing test shows on this as this site is free and I can do 1 or 2 hours shows except I don't that many liberties as BTR but still can do live shows and take phone callers. I will go into more details in the next coming days.

Wait till they get their own movie. The people at Warner's are not happy as that BR release did poorly compare to this. And a lot of the summer movies are selling dirt cheap at retail stores. Sign of the future.
What's funny is that if this would've gotten released in China (which it wasn't) this would have cleared the $1 Billion mark. Guess China didn't appreciate the main character being Russian?

I'm a huge fan of the original Cornelius/Ceaser films and the TV show with Roddy McDowell.
So I was really nervous when they decided to reboot the franchise. Like Godzilla fans who hated
the American Iguana GZ, we fans didn't want to go thru the nightmare we went through with Tim Burton's which was plain horrible. Wonder how the Chris Columbus/Arnold would've turned out but never happened.
But with the James Franco version our wish came true. And knowing that Andy Serkis is playing Ceaser is a big treat throughout this franchise is also a blessing. Well so far so good.

Talk about Godzilla. Well he set up the first draft for the New Godzilla movie then got re-writes attach to it by other writers. He got screwed on this deal with Walking Dead. Just like he wrote Indy Jones 4 with Lucas scrapping Darabont script and instead with the highly intelligent sophisticated work of art called "The Crystal Skull". And yes I'm being very FRIGGIN sarcastic! How wonder Disney took over Indy and Star Wars Franchises. I tell you Darabont doesn't get a brake. Hope he wins this lawsuit.

Oh hell no! Was anyone asking for this. We all know 90% of tv shows don't work. Exceptions might be The Brady Bunch and 21 Jump Street, but most suck and I'll leave it at that.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday Mini Reviews

Al Reviews: 1 to 5, bad to great. I added a TV article just to try it out.
Remember Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup (my Fav)? With Ringo Starr doing a guest spot
and supplying a new song. A lot of Beatles news lately, hasn't it?

Why these guys? Anyone remember Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park? Detroit Rock City?
Gene Simmons in Runaway with Tom Selleck.? Most don't. And for those of us who do,
we like to forget about that time, lol.

Hobbit 2: 3 - I'm done with this trilogy. As I said before, you take a 300 page book and make a trilogy?
And make the movies at 3 hour each to boot? Can't wait for Hobbit 3 just to get it over with.
4 highlights: Spider fight, Waterfall barrells, Smaug Dragon, Cliffhanger? And who steals the show?
Orland Bloom ! Sorry I grew up with these books and this was disappointing but at least this was better than the first one hence the 3 rating.

Lone Ranger: 1 - For both the movie and BR. One of the worst westerns ever made. How can you screw up a western? Only the train sequence at the end almost saved the picture. So 3 features, blooper, gag reel for less than 40 minutes. No commentary either? What a waste of time.

Elysium: 3 - Well not as tight as District 9 this still gives you a lot of action even if it's heavy on the politics.
Haven't seen the features but will see this again on disc.

Percy Jackson: 3 - A little weak than the first one but still a reminder of the Clash of the Titans.
Only a few features which don't add to much. The basic behind the scenes.

Raiders of the Lost Ark: 0 - You read right folks. A big fat zero. The big FU of the year. Yo! Where are the extras? None but a trailer? Hell, even the dvd re-releases had extras. Doesn't matter, if you a fan of the franchise you probably brought the box set anyways.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday's Links

Here are the Monday links with 3 sad news to begin with. What a sad weekend.

7 nods and not one Oscar win. The academy should be a shame of itself. And that lifetime award
is an insult.

Was in 2 Hitchcock pictures "Rebecca" and Suspicion" for which she won the Oscar.
Completely forgot she did Irwin Allen's "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" a picture and tv show I loved.
Her sister is Olivia De Havilland, another old school classic actress.

Back in the 1970's he was the big deal with Billy Jack as this. One of the first to introduce Martial Arts.
Then came Bruce Lee and all that kung fu and karate pictures flooded the cinemas.

Talking  about action stars, at least The Rock tries making decent films. Funny they don't mention
Pain and Gain. One of my favorite films of the year while most didn't like it.

Reboot. Simple as that. But now that Ford most likely not do Indy 5 will that means he won't be
doing SW7?

Which means he's going head to head with Star Wars? 2 sci-fi movies for Xmas. I'm good.
And all for $415 Million. Cheap!

So that's why these companies are releasing all these old school material. Just to hang on to the
copyrights. Almost the same as Spiderman, keeping the rights by rebooting the series.

The Big show will be sometime this week. News on that tomorrow.
PS The glitch on the radio page is being taken care of so you can see the links which
are also on the main page

Sunday, December 15, 2013

A tribute to Peter O'Toole

A mini tribute to Peter O'Toole. A favorite actor of mine:
My top 5:
Lawrence of Arabia - He should have won an Oscar
Murphy's War - Cool revenge story
Zuly Dawn - The prequel to Zulu 1964 with Micheal Caine, one of his roles.
Caligula - So over the top you gotta see it. See the edited verson instead.
My Favorite Year - His funniest comedy.

Honorable mentions:
Beckett - Oscar nod
Casino Royale - Cameo as Scottish Piper!
Troy - Back to his classic style
Goodbye Mr. Chips - One of his funnier movies
Ratatouille - Funny as the food critic

Trivia: He was in Stardust which also starred Henry Cavill who went on to do Man of Steel.
Toole himself did Supergirl. Less said the better, lol.


And the funny side of 0'Toole, I posted these videos yesterday on "To Catch a Movie" community page.

The above has a part 2 which is available after the video ends.

Below has a story told by his great friend Richard Harris.
He tells a few stories, for O'Toole move forward to 10:30 minutes.

Trying to find the story of O'Toole, Harris and Richard Burton at a London Stage all boozed up.
It was on one of the talk shows as told by Harris. Anyone remember that?

All this will be included on the Big Mish Mash show this week, hence why I postponed.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Updated The Website

Included is a new page for our radio shows as we are expanding the shows to other networks and updated the Home page as well. But we do have a glitch on that page and as the website mentions the HOME page mentions everything that we are updating.
I'm also adding new pictures to our recently  joined Social Networks.
So I'm keeping busy with behind the scenes as this will be addressed with the next Mishmash show.
Hence why I keep delaying this show to reflect all this. As I have one last show on MNN for the year
I want to mention all this as the next show on Dec. 21 will mention all this and will be repeated for the new year.

Again thanks for hanging in there.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday's left over tidbits.

By request some have asked for the live show on Saturday. I'm going ahead with that.
Stay tune tomorrow for the actual time as I don't know what time in the afternoon this will happen.
Also announcement about the music show finally.

Check out page 4. While I agree that Monster University is way better than Frozen and should have gotten a nod it's still not better than Despicable Me and The Croods which should win the big Oscar.

It's only a movie for crying out loud. But I think Alfonso will get the nod at Oscars and win it.

Talk about over crowding the market with superheros. This is just plain greed. There will be a time that people are just going to get tired of this. I know I'm getting there.

No Shame Cumberbatch. Once Sherlock jumps ship from Trek to Wars there's no turning back.
But check out the video of him on both Conan and Graham's from England.

I'm a huge Beatles fan in case you didn't know, my favorite band of all time (Sorry Zep Floyd)
but this is great news as grew up with the American Releases of these LP's and it's great to see
them get their release finally. Especially Meet The Beatles and Hard's Day Night which has great
orchestra arrangements of their hits from this Album.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Golden Globe and SAG Nominations

OK, you might be asking: Where's the Friggin Show?!!!
Yep I bumped it up to gather all this info about the nominations cause it's the end of year wrap up on must of these movies and the Oscars are around the corner. And for the smile on my face 3 of my favorite movies of the year based on Family got nominated: Despicable 2, The Croods both for animation and Fast Furious 6 for Best Ensemble Cast Nod at the SAG awards. Now this is going to be a fun show as many of my favs got nominated. Full list on the next bog and on my BTR Show

Not to many surprise here as must of these have been mentioned in the past months except for one:
Wolf of Wall Street as Comedy with DiCaprio as Best Actor in a comedy, with all those drugs and strippers? Now I got to go see this. And Scorsese's not getting a nod for Best Director just plain suck.
Which means this film will get cancelled out at the Oscar's.
And what about Rush getting a nod. Well it is the Foreign Press who gives these nods so the French have made their mark on the picture. We all love Opie but the picture wasn't all that. Oh well.
My predictions will be mentioned on the next blog along with the BTR show but it looks like 12 Years Slave
will get most of the wins.

These are voted by their own peers meaning fellow actors nominating fellow actors. My favorite is
Stunt ensemble for FF6 along with others that I scratch my head.
Rush? 2 race car drivers who can't stand each other?
Lone Survivor? That even didn't come out yet! It's a 2014 release!
All is Lost? 1 Guy in a boat? Really?
The Woverine? zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Enough said. Hope you tune in to the show.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday's Leftovers

To all those who are waiting for the show, thank you for your patience.
I will meet my deadline tomorrow as I have those announcements to mention.
That includes an updated website, other social networks expansion and that music thingy.
I am also finishing the BR of Fast Furious 6 and Pawn Shop Commentaries, 2 of Paul Walkers films:


So what's up with all these links? Well if you listen to the BR commentary of Fast 6, there is a wrap up on this 2nd trilogy. And I do mention all this on our past shows as Film Making 101. More will be explain on the next BTR show.

All Godzilla: That Godzilla Special will happen before the year ends:

My choices for the best of the year:


More on this tomorrow....

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday's mini-reviews and links

Ratings: 1- 5, Bad to Good. No movie reviews this week. Just some Blu-ray's.
More on the BTR which is now scheduled for Wednesday Dec. 11 at 8pm.

For us Godzilla fans. This is looking good so far.

Fast and The Furious: 5
Note:  Full review of the commentary on the live show tomorrow.
This picture sure takes a different tone since the death of Walker with the subject of family
especially the ending where everyone is at the table holding hands.
Which leads me to the extras on the disc:

First Look at Fast 7: How the hell are they going to pull this off without featuring Paul Walker?
The funeral scene of Han (Asian dude) leaves you with that question. One of them says enough with funerals, and Vin says one more, his, meaning the villain. Real strange since in real life it was Walker's funeral.

PIP: This can be seen seperated from the movie as it's only 21 minutes long. But Vin does mentioned it's the last of 2 trilogies?! And they recognized back to the beginning with everyone holding hands at the end of Fast Furious 1. Michele pops up and asks who wants to settle down after going Fast all that time. Paul does show up explaining the stunts. He says something which is pretty funny. This ends with Director Justin showing the Statham clip and looking forward to seeing how will this next trilogy go in a different direction. Guess he knew he wasn't coming back.

The rest of the features have mini sections within themselves and don't have a "play all" which I found quite strange. But they are the basic "making of" in detail and  deleted scenes (3 only) just add up to less than 2 minutes. You not missing anything there. The two most important I listed above and will have the full details of this disc  on the show tomorrow as I just picked this up today.

Giant, East of Eden, Rebel Without a Cause: 5
Some have compared Actor Paul Walker to James Dean with dying young and with the cars.
But by coincidence Warner's has release his 3 pictures in Blu-ray format. All 3 have the features
from previous DVD special issues plus new supplements in a digibook format.
For details go to dvdtalk.com. Since I haven't seen these new BR's they are on my Xmas list.
The 5 is from the 2-disc special editions and for me this is worth the upgrade with the supplements
and books included.

Mary Poppins: 5
Strange that actor Dick Van Dyke was involved in a earlier car fire and this gets released.
Just thought that was strange. Anyways, all previous features have made it to this BR but gets an extra new feature with an interview with the composer of the film as he is features in the new Tom Hanks Disney feature. Way cool. Another on my Xmas wish list as the 5 is from the DVD Special Edition.

Despicable Me 2: 5
Another picture about family. This disc plays like the first film with extra features, Commentary by the filmmakers and with mini-videos.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Monday's Links

The Big Mishmash show will be put back on schedule for Wednesday as some news is getting old already
and I'm waiting for the new Godzilla news and making an announcement on the rest of the schedule for December.

Waiting for the new trailer and getting news for Pacific Rim 2 and my year is done!


The film this is telling me is the one I want to see the most "47 Ronin", so I'm not taking this list to heart.
One I do agree on is "Secret Life of Walter Mitty" as I saw them filming this at 2 locations in NYC. Where I worked at the time and near where I live. A big production for a remake of a classic film with Danny Kaye.
All I can say is I couldn't believe how short Stiller and Wig in real life. Just saying.

Nominations will be announced this week and I will make my predictions after that. I will make some comments on that on the Wednesday show on BTR.

Individual circles already calling out the films as the winners. 12 Yrs and Gravity leading so far.

Look at the numbers they are talking about on Sony's money problems. Mark my words and I've been saying this for a good year now since "The Avengers" Disney will get this property. After getting Lucas
Indy Jones franchise, they will own Spidey franchise.The mouse ain't fucking around.

Final talk on this. Ford won't do Star Wars unless he does Indy Jones. They are going to tell him to do
Star Wars or Indy will be a reboot. Disney plans to have Indy back on TV. Expect a reboot.

Like Spidey 2 aka Spiderman 3 with Venom and Batman Forever Clooney with Batgirl, there are going to be to many characters and villains. This spells trouble. They don't learn do they?

But where is Wolverine in this new mix?

Saved the best for last,. Woman Power! But Warner's should be a shame of themselves.

Sunday, December 08, 2013

New Videoland Express Show Now Playing on You Tube


Our BTR show is now scheduled for this coming Monday as a special edition as This weeks show
will be set up for another special edition for next Saturday by request. Details this coming week.

Saturday, December 07, 2013

MNN live today at 5 pm, EST

Busy show today as we will address Disney's Indy takeover, Oscar predictions, Mandela and Walker and more trashing of Hollywood as usual.

Friday, December 06, 2013

BTR Postpone till Sunday, MNN Live Tomorrow

Postponing BTR one more time due to illness and have get ready for show tomorrow on MNN at 5 pm.
Hopefully my coughing will be gone by tomorrow. So Sunday it is. I schedule for 6 pm but not to sure.
I will blog again on Sunday for that update.

Great article that I had to post. And you know it makes perfect sense.

Spielberg must be pissed. Disney is going to own everything. The Big Nothing.
Remember Neverending Story?
Note: Remember a while back Ford didn't want to do SW unless he got to do Indy Jones, since he is the star and not part of an ensemble cast like SW. Now Disney owns both does he have to do both?
Umm, blackmail anyone? Or Ford planned it this way for more Points at the B.O.?


Out of these top 10 I would like to see the final nods go to:
Pacific Rim (duh) 
Gravity - When the shit hits the fan
WWZ - Zombies climbing walls, bring it on!
Thor - FLASH - AH AH
Elysium - 2001 space station, old but still cool.

Hell No!:
IM3 - lousy fire efx and the film sucks
Oblivion - all done with film projection, now thats old
ST: Darkness -FCK JJ Lens Flare
The Lone Ranger  - What, for Depps white make up?

Hobbit 2 - Can't say since it hasn't come out yet, but if it's like the last one, yeah why not.

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Wednesday's Leftovers: The Sequel

Blog Talk Radio postponed till tomorrow to put in some last minute news.
The Film? "Takers" with Paul Walker and Idris Elba whose new film Mandela is now playing.
And let''s not forget Morgan Freeman performance as Mandela in Invictus.
So tribute to both Walker and Mandela will open the show. In the meantime here are some tidbits:

Very nice but a shame it doesn't cover his other films by other studios. Still very cool.

Note: Follow the first link and after the video are more interviews with the cast from the first Spidey movie.
2nd page link describes the hints and breakdown  in the video.

Not one but 2 videos about the best films of 2013. Thanks to Miguel and David for doing these.
Great job gentlemen ! Considering that the Oscars are around the corner.

Talk about the Oscars...

By request, I posted this the other day by the original fan edit director since I didn't know how long this would be on You Tube before it would be taken down due to Sony's copyright. But It looks like it's still playing. So here is the link. Note: Most of the changes are down in the first 30 minutes. You can tell by the original footage shown in grainy off color VHS Tape quality and B&W film stock.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Wednesday's Leftover's

Links and reviews catch up on that I didn't get to on Mondays and Tuesdays.

The production had insurance to cover things like this? With $200M production I can't blame them.
This article also includes a video at the bottom which I didn't realize about The Social Network trick.

Some interesting movies with Heath Ledger, Natalie Wood, Brandon Lee but Marilyn Monroe, Aaliyah in the Matrix Reloaded and Roy Scheider of Jaws fame? Talk about filmmaking 101. Trailers have been added to the page but this does included a full 37 minutes of Marilyn Monroe lost footage!

Interesting is how Universal is trying to save a franchise at all costs. Considering the examples above is how they are going to approach this and chose the right resolved

Pawn Shop Chronicles: 3 - Another Cast ensemble with Paul Walker playing a kind of Redneck. Yep he was trying to stretch his acting chops but then again so was everyone.. Brenda Fraser as an Elvis Presley impersonator? Toby Mcquire continues playing a sick puppy?  Matt Dillon going sick white boy lunacy. It's all hear.  Schocking Nude Women at 1:05. What was this cast thinking? See IMDB for list of cast but this plays as a poor man's Pulp fiction as 3 different stories all add up at the end. And that's not a bad thing. PS the running time is almost 2 hours and didn't feel like it at all.

The Wolverine:Extended Edition 3 - We all love Hugh Jackman but damn, this was so boring, understated, non original (enemy in giant robot suit aka Iron Man), Bullet Train all CG and the movie crew went to Japan to film what? Does this call for a frigging 4 disc set at a high price? This supposed has the unedited version but I doubt it makes a difference compare to WWZ. It  does include a commentary but I can wait.

Smurfs 2: 3-  First of all, I hated those annoying toys. The Saturday morning show didn't help matters. So..
Well I actually liked both these movies. But this one knows it's chessy by all the puns. And the cast helps out a lot. Hank and Neil really bring up their game and Katie's voice is so cute. Short on the features and no commentary is a big no-no but I let it go on this one. Kids will still love it.

Serpico: 5 - Al Pacino should have gotten an Oscar for this one. Everything from the Special DVD is on this.
This clip has Director Sidney Lumet doing commentary. From our main page on You Tube.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Tuesday Mini-Reviews

Ratings: 1 to 5, Worst to Great. No "Frozen" review as I still haven't seen it. Please see IMDB.com for details on these movies and check out the reviews. They are more honest than Rotten Tomatoes. I said it.

Recap of some Paul Walker Movies:
8 Below: 4 - Great Disney movie based on a true story. In real life most of the dogs died but this being Disney they changed that around. But still a tear jerker and Walker gives a great performance here.

Takers: 3 - More like an ensemble cast aka Furious. Not as tight as Furious but still a lot of action and turnarounds in the script. Hayden Christian begged to be in this movie. Really! And he gets his. Good for you Annie Skywalker. Still mad at Jumper but that's another review, lol.

Vehicle 19: 2 - Walker in a car with a chick being chased by everyone for 90 minutes. That's about it. If you see the trailer you pretty much get the idea except for the standoff at the end with a twist ending added which made no sense. Obvious cash in on his racing skills but now seems strange after his death.

Hours: 2 - Trying to save his newborn after his wife dies, he gets into all kinds of situations. Dog comes in and the second half but still can't save the movie. While starting off with a good beginning this becomes a slow soap opera. This should have been a one hour episode of Grey Anatomy or some Doctor show as this just drags way too long. And disappointing ending you go that's it? Walker tries hard and is actually quite good but the material fails him. Spoiler Alert! = Baby lives.

Other Reviews:
Frozen: 3 -  Great animation but the story and songs were kind of weak. It doesn't pick up till the Snowman shows up half way thru and then the big fight with the giant.  Plays more like a chick flick than anything else. Nothing wrong with that, but I prefer The Little Mermaid. Better songs sung by the crab.

Hunger Games 2: Catching Fire: 3 - While it plays better than the first one with improve pacing, no shaky cam, tighter writing I still can't get into this. It's like it's playing to the Twilight crowd. And it's a sequel to a movie which is best on a best seller that is a rip off of Battle Royale Japanese Flick. Sorry Hardcore fans.

Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United 3: This was actually pretty funny. The banter between IM and The Hulk had me going at times. Pretty good story. Not one but two villains: Zzzax and Abomination to boot. While most Marvel straight to BR fall short and DC always do great job on their stories, the problem with this one was the animation. It played like a bad video game especially in the closeups. It took a while to get used to the graphics.  But there is a lot of action while still being funny.
Don't forget the cheesecake at the end..

Red 2: 2 - The whole shtick got old quick. Only Mirren with guns and Malcovich being wacky that this film has any energy. And Catherine Jones is completely wasted. Well so much for a Reds 3. Half hour of features with no commentary? For fans of Willis and company a Netflix rental at best.

Saturn 3: 4 - Review based on the Cult classic now playing on You Tube. Old school sci-fi with killer robot which depended on real time effects with little CGI. This worked in the movies favor considering the tight budget the film had.  This was suppose to be Farrah Fawcett big break thru headline role but didn't work out. Her other film role which got her started in movies was Logan's Run. The big deal was her topless scene with Kirk Douglas (16:45 on You Tube cut) which was quick but the BR has another cut featuring her. Also includes features and commentary this is already on my Xmas list. DVDtalk.com has full review about it's details. This would make a great double feature with Disney's The Black Hole. Now where is that at?

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Monday Links and News Updates

So what happened? Big internet shutdown thanks to Time Warner NY screwing up my connection. I did manage to catch up my e-mails thanks to my Nexus tablet but typing on that 7 inch screen is a bitch so decided to wait for my daily Monday list to start up again. My details on my Blog Talk Radio show later this week. That will be my big Mish Mish Catch Up show.

The big shocker this weekend was Paul Walkers Accident. The irony of course has to do with cars.
But the sadness to this is that he was going to his charity event which helps out to help out victims of different situations. Below are 2 links which I thought represented this news and I will review his last few movies  for our Tuesday mini-review including Vehicle 19,

Update: 6pm Monday - Also added 007 Bond links on bottom of the page from last week.

Update: 12pm Monday

Update: 6pm Sunday
Why wait? Because I'm just as curious as the rest of Furious fans.

Now this is confusing. How are they going to handle this?. This BR will sell huge to begin with and now with Walker's death it probably be one of the years biggest sellers. Article has a spoiler so beware.

This article does mention some of his other projects than the Furious Franchise.

I included this article as you scroll down you can see the posts other people had put up. The main question is how are they going to handle the next sequel since some filming has been done.

This list goes to show you, having a big name in a picture doesn't mean box office gold. And having seen most of these they deserve to be on this list. But I didn't see Cumberbatch flick and I don't plan to.

I just don't get it. Lots of people hate these movies but make Billions. But of course with Transformers being in China which is a huge market now (Pacific Rim) this will also make Zillions. Cool pictures tho.

It figures. But what about New Hope. Now that's the one fans want to see in 3D.

Lots of Star Wars news all on one page. I put this link up for the pictures (Check out Princess Lea, yeah baby!) and some videos and vintage stuff. Very Cool.

Talk about Lea, the Princess at the beach. Fans of my age just can't let this go. Can you blame us?

yeah old news but a leftover from last week. But man, some take their Doctor seriously.

Last weeks Leftover but damn important!
Spectre, Blofeld, that damn volcano and Bond in outerspace! Now we're talking. And all the naysayers
that this plot device is too old to work nowadays. Who the hell cares? That Solace idea was crap so bring it on. And Bond back in space? Hell, Lady Gaga is going into outer space. Enough wih the serious Bond. that is getting old real quick. And more gadgets, more bikini women on the beach, more martini's, and more......