Wednesday, May 24, 2017

RIP 007 Roger Moore

Note: Bonus section has my tribute to Roger Moore with 2 videos from our YouTube page. Also another blog this week to catch up with other news plus more coverage on Sir Moore including my favorite Bond Films of his. Then a radio show sometime next week after Pirates premiere with a review and full reviews including why I hate this damn Alien franchise. I worked with James Franco and to see him in a cameo in Convenant was a complete insult to him.

Guardians still rule the box office
To put it simple: Aliens won by a edge of only $1M which is a joke in itself. Guardians has been out 3 wks and still kicked Aliens Ass. The ghost of Prometheus really sank this one. This should have cleared at least $50M. Even early predictions of $40M plus didn't help matters as this is just an embarrasement all around. World Wide is also doing bad. With Pirates around the corner it's safe to say Aliens is DOA. And not matter how bad the reviews for Pirates are, it's still has its fan base and Memorial Day weekend to cash in.

Mini-review. Aliens C: 2 out of 5. Ok not bad as Prometheus (could it really be worse than that?) After 45 minutes of a boring setup we get a big crash. Cool. 1 point. Then another 4 minutes of David the boring Android meets his twin and zzzzzzzzzzzz. Big showdown at the end. Another point. And guess how they get rid of the Alien? They shove him into outta space. Aww C'mon!!. Don't give me that spoiler alert crap. You think there would be any other way? And what happen to those 2 big deleted scenes? The last supper and the Shaw sequence. Another point I hated. He killed her off after she put him back together. Reminded me of Alien 3 (which I hated, less said of 4 the better). You kill off both Hicks and the girl and throw bishop in the trash. What bullshit.  What I hate is the whole prequel story. It just plain sucks. Fk the engineers, Fk David, Fk the prequels.They should have done the Sigorney Weaver sequel to Parts 1 & 2 and continue that time line. And Director Scott is still bragging about another prequel. Ugh. Box Office will say better especially if it tanks in China.
Not to sound like a cynic amoung the sad situation but on the business side of things, doesn't this scenerio sound just like SW Rogue One. Bringing in another director to finish the projct the way the studio wants it. Even tho they are kind of vague and just a matter of fact on playing this down. I'm not fooled. Just to much of a coincidence. What, too Cynical?
And doesn't this sound familiar? A whole group being put together by a special program to deal with darker forces to protect the greater good. The new Godzilla Franchise anyone? No, aww c'mon!

Bonus Dedication:
I saw Roger Moore at a book signing at Barnes & Nobles, NYC at my lunch hour. So couldn't by the book ans tand in line. But went to the second floor and about 40 ft away I saw him sitting behind the desk singing his book. But before I took a picture in which the employees saw me and others trying to do the same they block us by stocking up boxes and blocking our view. My memory of him? A great tan and those big glasses. Well at least I saw a Bond and I'm grateful for that as he was my favorite next to Connery as I grew up mostly with Moore.

Note: Go to our You Tube page for assorted Bond clips including Sir Moore clips. Here are two:
And Moore playing James Bond back in 1964 even before he was considered. Ironic aint it?

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Guardians Still Rule The Galaxy and The B.O.

Love this poster, check out where Baby Groot is hanging out. Cool idea. One more week after F8 and Beauty break the all time world wide box office then a new radio show.

Update 2: I'm putting this here as to save space on the next blog for better articles.
Min-review: King Arthur: 1
Great big Elephants crash the party at the beginning of the film. All down hill from there. The editing is what killed this movie. Didn't Director Ritchie get the memo. Zooms went out of style back in the 70's when the cancelled Kung Fu Theatre on Saturday afternoons. Total wreck. But I will revisit this as supposedly there's a 3 and half hour version of this. That figures with the editing mess this has.

Mini review: Snatched: 1 out of 5.
Monkeys in a coma can write better material. There was a slight hint of humour and I love Goldie Hawn. And I like Amy in Trainwreck. But this failed the ladies big time. Check out Goldie in Speilberg's Sugerland Express, he first major film release. Goldie here does drama, that's how talented she is that she can do both comedy and drama. Snatched was a total failure. Next time hire the monkeys for a better film.
The King is dead. Long live the king. And say goodbye to a franchise that will never happened. That's what they wanted. Well that went south, that and $175M down the tubes.So much for Director Ritchie career?  And Amy needs Trainwreck 2. Wow what a wipeout. Again the Guardians have no competition. Aliens? Again the rumour is they only show up near the end? Really? And Pirate Depp? This was going to be an after thought and it's the biggest talk in Hollywood now. Man did that escalate fast, lol.
Pirates hacking Pirates. Oh man the irony. While Pirates has a built in fan base and will do good regardless, lets face it. The ones who are going to see this on bootleg are the curious ones who either gave up on the franchise, does anyone remember the last one? or weren't going to rush to see this to begin with. Like Orange is the New Black with the first few episodes back. You got the curious who can't wait for this in June or you have the binge watchers who can wait for June just to knock off a whole season in one weekend. So everyone is crying wolf but does it really matterat the end?
This was from last week. What is old is new. And an article I'm sure Depp would love to hve people forget. Shame since some of the titles coming out in the future sound better than the ones he did in the past. But never mind he needed better managers, he needed better script readers to help him go thru some of these bad scripts. Funny tho, can it get any worse?
Um let me guess, the rangers don't show up until at the 90 minute point? And then only for 20 minutes worth of action? Then they wonder why it's performing poor all over. Let's face it, 20 years to late and Transformers has taken all the momentum out of this and even their are starting toout welcome themselves.
Last but not least from today's happy go lucky blog (sarcasm folks) here's a cool article predicting this summers box office. While I did say we are taking a break and what are we missing anyways but sequels, remakes etc.y it was a coincidence since I had to leave town for important family business.
Yws we got renewed for the summer and will be back in July for our 28 years on the air. Hopefully and Originals like Wonder Woman will get things going when we go back live.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Huge Guardians Box Office

We are taking a break, I mean what are we missing, Alien, Pirates and Transformer sequels?
We should be back in July for our 28th year and a new radio show soon, probably next week.
PS: Bonus section: Major franchises going to tv/cable.

Now that the top 2 films of the summer are raking up big bucks, it's time for the rest of the slaughter to take place. Both Amy and the King are not even going to clear $20M this weekend. Wipeout.
Mix reviews for Aliens and are people getting tired of Depps business affairs. That article coming in the next blog after this weekend.
Pretty huge opening. And there's no hard competition coming down the pike besides more sequels aka Aliens and Pirates. Again the big question where is this going to land when all said and done. F8 is heading to the top 10 all time and would have been the bi one for the year if it wasn't for that 800 lb beast in the room. See next link.
Mini Review: 3 out of 5. Kind of disappointed. Bit too long with that father and son angle. Too much with the girls fighting back and forth. Never liked the blue guy and not enough Groot. Racoon and Dax rock. But still a lot of action and great SFX. First one is still better.
Unbelievable. One of the most boring Disney flicks of all time and this made the all time Wide World top 10. And it's ready to take out Frozen, the most overrated Disney flick, as the biggest money maker for the house of mouse. This only proves the dumbing of audiences with all the marketing hype that these two are the biggest winners. Sad very sad.
I put this on the blog so you can check out the comments below the article. And I have to agree with most on that 1. Prometheus sucked 2. Who cares about the engineers 3. Bring back Sigorney and do Blomkamp's vision. 4. I do ague about the lead female role. Aliens set the standard for females kicking ass and Signorney got an Oscar nod for it. So more females kicking ass. Besides guys are the bait in this franchise and that's what makes it all fun. Especially if they're dumb scientists who stick their nose in where it doesn't belong like in Prometheus. I mean DUMB!
I am curious about this one but don't expect a major 5 from me.
You know original Hellboy Ron Pearlman is piss off as hell. He's been pushing for this for the longest and now he's been completely written off. If anyone's to blame is Del Toro himself. Notice the pattern? He keeps asking for these big budgets aka Pacific Rim and they take the projects away from him. Hellboy 3 would have had a huge budget and not enough of an audience to back it up even tho the second one did damn good, one that I myself went and brought the blu-ray. Keeper! Let's see how this reboot works. Everyone involved with the new one just brings me one big yawn.
Waste of a video. Talk about being bored while promoting your movie. These guys look like they want to be anywhere but here. Expecially Gosling who looks like if he forgot to take the turkey out of the oven or not.
With big paychecks  they should look involved or if not, your actors! Act involved. Wow what a waste and you learn nothing about the movie.
Is it me or does Cruise look miscast in this one. And this whole premise sounds great but it looks like something is going to get lost in the translation. If it weren't for this scene and Crowe as the mad doctor I might have skip this one. Crap I can't, gotta review it for the show. why, Why, WHY?

Bonus Section: Franchises heading to the big tv/cable screen.
They have to keep it R like Archer and keep it on the edge. At least it didn't go to Disney, lol.
There is a huge cult following for Dredd even if it states the movie bomb, it does have a audience.
* It looks like once Bryan Singer announced the X-Men tv series now many studios are going that route. And I'm for it. It is a mish mash aka Agents of Shield which sucks and Flash and Supergirl nailing it. And it avoids having a Fantastic Four blowout movie franchise with that whole thing being in limbo. So simple and they still can't get it right.