Thursday, December 27, 2018

Aquaman $500M Cross Over !

 New show this Saturday: Major reviews and Golden Globes and the Top 10 for the year.
One of my favorite shots from the movie above btw.

Update: Finally got to see Green Book and this deserves the Best Picture for the Oscar.  5 of 5.
As far as the Globes goes I'm still sticking with Poppins getting most of the awards but don't be surprise with Star is Born in the Drama section with Gaga and Malick for the Best Actor.

Mary Poppins: 4, If only the songs were a bit memorable but this deserves all the Globes nods.
The Mule: 3, If you liked Grand Tarino you will love this, other wise well, it's Eastwood !
BlackkKlansman: 4, Great cast but the ending was a cop out as a wrap up to some of the characters.

Check out the comment section and this will give you a better picture on what this is all about.
Because of China which has beeen increasing it's theatre counts causing this record breaking numbers, theatre admissions are getting less. Only a few have broken the $1 Billion count.

Thsi will help it tie with Venom for the top 5 of the year. What's so funny adding insult to injury is the theatre owners pulled Crazy Rich Asians from the cinemas when it DOA in one weekend and replaced it with Aquaman and extended its theatre counts. Now the extended the run. Ouch. Funny!
And the winner is Jason Momoa ! And is he's up there with our gal Gal Godat as DCU big winners.
The big surprise is that it was Poppins and Bumblebee fighting it out.
Again as mentioned in the last blog, here is Hollywood bragging about an all time high when in reality everything is tanking.
When all else fails bring out Plan B. Since the fans are crying foul with a female Doctor, it's time to pull out a favorite villain to save the day. Works with Batman and the Joker, right? The main problem with the show now is that the writers are not Sci-Fi writers. Whaaaaaa? What the hell were the producers were thinking of. Who wonder there's no imagination to the show. Yikes.

Golden Globes Predictions: Mary Poppins
Simple: Since Aquaman wasn't nominated and Black Panther is the most overrated Marvel of the year, (what happened to Avengers:IW? ) Mary Poppins is going to clean up.
And the rest? Half I didnt even hear of them until they got nominated.
So basically I'm going to watch but with a "Who the fuck cares" attitude. So there. lol.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Aquaman vs Mary Poppins Showdown

We have one more Live show on Dec. 29. Last weeks show now playing on YouTube.
As per request the mention in the beginning of the show about Queen's video is posted below.

Great article. Here's your answer as to why the audiences are staying home binge watching while box office numbers are going through the roof. Thats how you make up the gap. I mean $50 a ticket in London. And I thought NY was bad. lol.
Funny as heck for a short clip. And I love that nod to Aliens. Rated R for Clay animation violence lol.
I said on the show that they would both be tied at the boxoffice but it looks like Aquaman will be the winner. While Aquaman hasn't been nominated, it's big win as it will break $500M Worldwide mark in less than 3 weeks thanks to China. And Poppins is going to walk away with all the awards. It's a win win for everyone. And even Bumblebee looks like it will do good.  It will be a long weekend thanks to the holidays.

Roma: 2, What a depressing movie. Not a holiday movie when a family member dies. Sad.
Bumblebee: 3, Whats with RT? It wasn't all that. At least they got the Volkswagon right.
Aquaman: 4. Wan got this right. Bigtime! Besides a couple of glitches in the CGI area (undersea is difficult) and Pitbull's mess on Toto's Africa song, this is a great film from beginning to end.
Lots of action through out until they bring out the big guns at the end. Top 5 for the year.
SpiderVerse: 2. This was a mess and the animation drove me nuts. Even tho I liked Noir Spidey, Ij ust didnt get Anime girl and that stupid pig.
Mowgli: 4: Serkis did a great ob on this. Why the hate? Better than the last one, total crap.
Wow, not even the studio saw this coming. It already out gross Wonder Woman in ticket sales in China and it just opened! This is doing huge business. They need to sign Wan for the sequels as the studio didn't have faith in him to begin with. Hope he clears a big paycheck he deserves it.
You figure is Jackson's name attached, audiences would be at least curious. How soon they forget this is the man who did LOTR. Also it come behind Fantastic Beasts which is not doing all that at the B.O. And isn't steampunk passe already?
Was anyone asking for Robin Hood anyways? The i biggest shame was Happy Time Murders.
Muppets gone bad, funny as hell. Maybe a cult classic on Netflix. The rest deserve to be on the shitlist.
Nope. It's all about Disney being a total control freak. They're doing a good job at it too, lol.

As mentioned from the show: