Monday, June 25, 2018

When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth

There will be a repeat on MNN this Saturday June 30. New shows with Mark will premiere in July.
This weeks blog has many movie reviews and backlogged articles to catch up on the past few weeks.
*Update: New articles posted Thursday 6/28/2018. See below after movie reviews.

Mini-reviews: 1-5, Bad to Great
JW Fallen Kingdom: 3, Mixed bag to say the least but mostly covering The Lost World including 2 Dinos grabbing a villain and play "lets make a wish" and splitting him in two. Zoo under the mansion was dumb for the second half but the showdown finale still works. JW1 was still way better.

Jurassic Games: 1, Hunger Games with Dinosaurs rippoff. At the end the corporation brings back a new improve game with Dinos carrying machine guns on their backs. Sound stupid? That was an idea Speilberg had after JP3 believe it or not and still mentioned in JW as a military plan. Now why do they think this is a cool plot to begin with? Yikes!

Incredibles 2: 3, way overrated. Jack the baby steals the picture but the rest was a big MEH. The main story just dragged on too long with a lame villain.  We don't need a 3rd sequel.

Oceans 8: 2, All that talent and this is the best they can come up with? Not fair to the talented ladies involved. I like the role reversal but the script really lets them down with most nothing to do. Shame.

Hereditary: 0 Yep ZERO!!! The worst picture of the year so far. This Horror is the new Bore! zzzzzz.

Escape Plan 2: 1, Stallone and Batista are hardly in it. This could have past for an Asylum picture since this had a next to nothing budget. After Guardians why did Batista do this anyway?

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out". Wow, no one wants this position. If they get rid of someone who's been in the business like forever, whats going to happen to the second banana who takes over. One mistake and they're out. Nice business, eh?
One more time: Specter Sucked big time and is one of the worst Bond films. So lets get the next one out of the way already, say goodbye to Craig and Hardy with Chris Nolan take over the franchise already. Whats ironic it's Brosnan giving the OK considering that he also had one of the worst films in the franchise. Even Halle Berry couldn't save that one. But it did have Madonna. How wonder it sucked.

Catching Up Articles:
Would somebody make up thier mind? Stand alones are cancelled or not. After Solo who cares? Even tho Obi-Wan should have been the first one to be made. But now it shows how nervous Disney is by bringing in force ghosts Obi-Wan and Luke. And Billy Dee Williams' Lando to make a cameo.  It shows you how afraid they are that No. 9 might get rejected aka Solo. The fans have spoken.
Already prdictions are going for the $1Billion mark. But it won't be from the U.S. box office. Incredibles 2 lost over 65% audience in the second week and JW2 will do the same once the fans start with the mix reviews. But that won't stop with JW3 from coming out.
Man Disney really wants those Marvel titles don't they. They keep outbidding and outbidding lol.
Finally, To boldly go ahead instead of going in the past with that crap Discovery. Like Star Wars 9 with those damn cameos (now I'm getting tired of hearing about in less than 24 hours) they bring out Capt Picard to launch a new series. Which is not a bad thing, just gimmicky. But revisit Wrath of Khan story. Jezz thats plain sad. Leave that alone already. Kelvin timeline buried that for good.
While they're at it cancel Discovery and just move forward. Something I've been crying for a long time.