Friday, June 19, 2015

Weekend Boxoffice Predictions

Live on MNN now posted Youtube. New Talk Shoe Radio show coming this week. Top 10 list will also be posted this week.

Sunday Recap:
Wow, everyone came out to the movies this week. Final tally won't be settled until tomorrow but either way we have winners with JWorld $20M short of the $1 Billion mark. Man, that was fast.

Saturday late afternoon update:
2 sbige hits for Father's Day with Jworld ahead of Inside Out. Just one big happy family at the Boxoffice. We have to wait till Monday for the international score but one more weekend and it'll break the $1 Billion mark. Wow that is fast.

Saturday Update:
At least Inside Out will get its due and not get buried by the Dinos. The word on this is fantastic. My only question as far as animation goes who is going to be the winners, these mood colors or those adorable Minions. And did anyone forget about Jaws 40th Anniversary with the re-release this Sunday? I'm surprise they didn't do it in 3D like they did with Jpark.
The first summer blockbuster ever. Why is Spielberg still working?. I would've retired by now, lol.
Favorite is No. 39 about blowing up the shark. They'll believe anything after 2 hours.
Yep, it doesn't look good for The Avengers at this point. Practically every record that Avengers had , JWorld is breaking them. And it;s even going to break this weekends record of Avengers Ultron by biggest grossing second weekend ever. At least the movie is worth it.
Spoiler if you haven't seen the film. I usually have a problem or two with these lists but this one is pretty much Dead On! Actually there are more moments but I'll save that for the next radio show.

This gang is going up against the Dinos this weekend. Wow this should be interesting.
Original Theme song back on the charts? After all these years. Well that's different. but poor composer Giacchino doesn't get a break. I felt he did a good job mixing his score with William's theme to create a whole new soundtrack. The clip presented here is not the best of them. They are better themes like ht opening of the park. Included here are 3 videos of songs.
Here is the full soundtrack to listen to for free on Spotify.
From Cinema Sins, here is the first Jurassic Park which is very short compare to the other two which I posted below.

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