Thursday, July 23, 2015

Jurassic World 2 Is a Go!

New Blog Talk Radio show now playing: Jurassic World No. 3 All Time. Surprise ending at the end of the show by the way, about the original ending of Jurassic Park from the script itself.
Also New Talk Shoe Radio now playing recorded earlier this afternoon.

Saturday Update:
Sad they have to go to these lengths to try to please China aka Iron Man 3 and that sucked big time.

Friday Update:
While the studio knows that Pixels is going to tank this weekend Rotten Tomatoes is hitting this hard, Sony goes and bid on this? Minions they're not. Haven't they learned from those other movies mentioned in the article?
Yet another Johnson movie coming to us. And question remains: Yo Rock, what happened to Big Trouble in Little Chiba, lol?

Wow that was quick. As soon as it hit No. 3 all time, it takes the weekend before July 4thweekend. Now which other franchise is dumb enough to go against this on July 4th. Well it sure won't be Terminator since that didn't work the first time around on July 4th, lol.
Short video interview but also included is long ass Q & A with the director but it does have some spoilers.
Ouch! Put down on Sandler but they don't mention comparisions with Ghostbusters even through it's so obvious. It's got some of my favoritefames I grew up so I'll be there no matter how bad.
While this was mentioned yesterday I waited for today's blog to post this. As they are depending on the success of Pixels when it comes out this weekend. While they mention a lot of other Johnson's projects the one Not mention is Big Trouble in Little China. Yo Rock! What happend with that?
Larson is on for sure. Now it's up to Crowe if the knew script is updated. But what amazes me is how many times Godzilla is mentioned on thebottom of the article with the credits listings. King Kong VS Godzilla around the corner?
 Behind the scenes Video interview on the making of Terminator with pics and scenes from the movie. Filmmaking 101 fun.Now this is a shame. With talk all week about the end of the Terminator franchise, China has to save this or everyone will wait until Cameron takes over.
Besides Star Wars 7 is going to benefit from this, what they don't mention is how this is going to help Bond Spectre has this won't have th 3D cheat at the U.S. boxoffice, But that didn't stop F7 in being in the Top 5 of all time.

Note: If you made it down here, thanks! lol.
I might put another BTR show tomorrow due to todays news, so todays blog might be repeated or a new post to reflect the new radio show. Today I'm working on the premiere of the music show. Hopefully thisweekend. Busy week ain't it?

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