Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday's Movie News Links

2 New Blog Talk Radio shows now playing from the weekend. One more coming before the Oscars.
One on Oscar talk and the second on SNL 40th Review. See extra link at bottom for bonus.
Mostly teases of unbuilt sets but you get the idea. But no ship besides the drawing but this should look awesome on the big screen. Justhaving Singer aboard is good enough to what he ever brings to the screen. But at least give him a bigger budget, it would be in good hands cause man those Sentinals look really cheap.

They don't quit do they. First telling everyone to see the movie again to see what you missed the first time around (it's called good storytelling to avoid this) and now for 12 minutes of BTS feature that yu can see on the br/dvd when it comes out. You do get a free ticket for someone else but how about a discount ticket toward your purchase of the br instead. That is what pisses me off about this movie.
They still can't stop selling it for something that's way over rated.

I won't say he didn't do a great job on the film for the first half that is. I still feel Cumberbatch did a better a job for Imitation Game, who did do Hawkins in a previous movie "Hawkins" in 2004.
Screw it give to Micheal Keaton and call it a wrap already. (I like saying that don't I?).

I think this was a good choice. We all know how it ends is the reason to see this to begin with. And there's always the deleted scene section on the br/dvd. And the book goes into detail about those final moments anyways. The real footage that was shown at the end was the right choice.

Oscar Nominated Films: Filmmaking 101.
While I'm not big on movies that need flashbacks to tell a story this article gives a good insight when done right with editing it can work to move the picture along.

While I thought the movie was way to long and that thrid act too much like 2001, still love space crafts and robots, reason I went to see it in the first place, Nolan or no Nolan. He missed fire here as far as I'm concern. The article does mention Star Trek and 2001 obviously.
Bonus: Make sure to click the link on the bottom of the article as it takes you to another post that talks more on Interstellar. More great read.

Bonus Video: Jimmy Fallon describing after party with Prince. Sounded better than the show itself.
Please note that I am a Fallon fan and Mark is not as mentioned on the Radio show. So whatever side you take remember these are just opinions of ours and hopefully does not reflect on our future employment in this industry. It's hard getting work as it is. Thank you. LOL.

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