Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday's Movie News Links

Oscar Nods Already?
Love this picture, it's on my top 10 for the year. Tilda Swinton deserves the nod for Best Supporting Actress, she was that good. I didn't even recognize her? I mean who can miss David Bowies clone?
Well the voice of The Iron Giant finally comes ful circle with having the biggest hit with the fewest lines (line?) and having  Dancing Tree merchandise selling like crazy does not hurt either. But where's the Dancing Tree T-shirt? Shut Up and Take My Money!!! lol
2 great videos. Lotsa eggs and they still got the story right. While Spidey 2 had the eggs but screwed up the story. Looking forward to getting theBR while I walked right by the Spidey BR in the aisle.
Well he made it up by screwing the first trilogy didn't he. Icould understand why Lucas didn't want a Muppet voice for Yoda but then again he did the voices for The Dark Crystal. Go figure.
Yeah who was that guy? But the article was right, the death of Alcide was a waste but then again
so ws the whole season. Read the comments, again Dexter gets mentioned. Bad ending.
Yeah another publicity angle for the new season awareness but really who the hell cares.
I just want more zombie body count. I mean damn it, pile it up Big Time!

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