Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thursday's Movie News

Live show Youtube video included below links. New Radio show coming this weekend.
More behind the scenes on the making of Mad Max. So far the reviews have been killer. Check out this review, a 10 out of 10:
Also includes a separate video review, link included in the article.
I included this as it will have a quick mention on the show. Includes all channels on regular tv.
This is one heck of a cast and crew. Well that got Flash and Arrow right, how can they go wrong with this? Looks like they got another hit on their hands.
Hopefully it won't suck like the movie. Actually it a pretty funny film so bad it's good kinda way but I that's not what the filmmakers had in mind.
Politics at play here but who ever thought this show would go on forever. But it is kind of cold when your voice over can be replace with another actor after you perfected those characters.
Double dipping again? How many copies do I haave of Star Wars anyways? After releasing them on HD digital?  I can hear George Lucas laughing his head off. And by the way what happened to all those 4K releases.
This is so funny. Even the Russians recognize crap when they see it coming. This movie was awful. Top 10 worst. Hopefully there won't be a third.
Never thought he was that funny. What was even less funny is when I was on the show without my permission. Yep that's right. I was on one of the Thanksgiving specials. Remember when he had the camera out in the streets and made remarks about people passing by? Anyone has a copy of that try to find me in the special.

Below is our Live show from May 9. Video is slightly distorted due to processing.

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