Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday Movie News Links
......And the Oscar for Best Picture goes to...
Game changer, so much for the Academy awards this year. For anyone who has been listening to my awards show coverage on Blog Talk Radio,  this picture threw the whole thing out the window. Basically it gave a big FU (Yes!) to Boyhood who's been winning a whole lot of crap lately, Sniper killed it. All pun intended. Of course I have to re-record the latest show again as I stuck to my guns (no pun intended) about Imitation Game which I still do but I have no problem with Clint's film who was robbed of the Directors nod which went instead to Director of Foxcatcher. Which I might add also stole from Director of Selma which didn't do all that great at the boxoffice. The studio did not push it enough considering it's MLK Weekend. Shame on them. Anyways...
The Big Award Nomination Show Wrapup will premiere this week.
My generation grew up with Howard the Duck and we always wanted this to succeed in some way no matter how sillyit was, fun factor in check. And Lucas never got credit for bringing this to the big screen even when it was huge in Elngland. Now Howard is going to get his chance. Bring it on!
Speaking of George, this has video and 6 still shots. Looks good but this is not getting anhy decent push whats so ever. But a musical from George? But wait, the music arranged by Marius de Vries who did Moulin Rouge which had a certain Jedi a young Obi-Wan doing singing duties with nonother than ewan Mcgregor? Wow, small galaxy far far away.

Note: Running late with this blog, more Monday links tomorrow wtih the Radio show.

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