Tuesday, May 31, 2016
X-Men Box Office Let Down
Finally a new radio show coming this week. Also Live on MNN this Saturday.
While $80M is not to shabby compared to Alice $34, it still looks like people are getting a little tire out with their superheros.Especially when their story lines are familiar. But the biggest surprise is Civil War hasn't broken the top 10 all time list. It needs another $100M to beat IM3and it looks like it's slowing down for it to get there. One more weekend will tell us.
Well X-Men is he's bread and butter but after the this lame weekend now it all depends on the international box office. But he sure walks the line with BvS. X-Men was just as bloated as BvSand still camein shorton story and a long ass ending.
Thought I was badtough on Depp, this article really needs Pirates to succeed. But what was anyone thinking about Alice 2 anyways? The sequel no one was asking for.
How did that happen? Over Lion King and behind Avatar? And lets face it all three are not that original to begin with. And fourth biggest behind Toy Story 3, Minions and Frozen. So who did Disney paid off?
What's wrong with this picture is Disney tight when it comes to reshoots so maybe the film might be in trouble. But whatever it is they need to hurry to meet that deadline. 6 months can go by very fast especially adding all those SFX
Wow he's lining them up big time. Also announced on Friday was "Skyscraper" a Die Hard meets Towering Inferno (70's disaster flick, look it up IMDB) filming in China. But he still insists that Big Trouble in Little China is still on. That is the one he should avoid. That film is so dated it wouldn't work now.
Lunch box from KFC.. Latin promo in early May when I was down in PR.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
X-Men Vs. Alice Box Office Weekend
Radio show now playing: Civil War Pt. 1. This blog will be extended for the rest of the weekend. Mini-review: X-Men, 3 out of 5, Great Quicksilver scene, ending drags way too long.
And the projected winner is X-Men. Depp took a beating (no pun intended, lol) on Friday night. Wow mother's death, divorce, another movie bombing. Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone.
Friday Update:
Mini-Review: 3 out of 5. A reboot with a bigger budget hiding under disguise with Apocalypse as center topic. Minor spoiler! Felt like I was watching the same theme again. They fight each other and one of them gets huge like Godzilla aka BvsS and Civil War. They should have cut the ending which ran way too long (kill the basterd already!) and they would have room for Jubille. Scene to be seen on the BR disc. And yes Wolverine does a 5 minute cameo kicking ass and disappears. Wow, disappointing.
Also included is the original "Revenge of the Jedi" trailer before it was pulled to change the title to "Return of the Jedi".
While X-Men will do huge, is anyone really interest in Alice considering how bad the last one was?
Depp needs this one to do great as his last chance for box office gold will be the Pirates franchise.
They make a cute couple. Short video along with 99 pics.
Cool 6 minute interview with Isaac and the difference between on both X-Men and Star Wars franchises. A couple of years he got nominated and some where like, Who? Now look at him, how lucky indeed.
Sounds like they have no faith in the JL franchise. And that BvsS fiasco didn't help matters. A big sign of desperation. And even if it is a big hit, there's not much competition in August, will the spinoffs work as well. They can't all be Deadpool, lol.
A female redo of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? Well that won't happen when this tanks. People have already made up their minds and these girls don't have a chance. My main problem with this is not the female angle at all. It's when you have comedian ensemble and the jokes stink. Think
of Sandler's Grown Ups. All those comedians for a lame ass comedy.
Monday, May 23, 2016
X-Men Week
New Radio show now playing with Pt. 2 coming this week. Live on MNN is playing on our Youtube channel. Video is playing on bottom of this blog.
While Angry Birds did take the no. 1 spot, the thing to look at is Caps and crew in the top 20. Needing just $150M (no brainer) where in the top 10 will it land especially during the Memorial Weekend with it's only competition being X-Men which has been getting less than Stellar reviews.
Already a deleted scene? Something to look forward to on the BR disc. This scene along with 5 other promo are included.
5 videos included plus gallery included. Thanks to these videos today I can make this blog short so you have tie to check all these out, lol.
While the article complains he's has a small role in the film at least he's in it so it can be in the same timeline so these characters can show up in future films. Picky picky picky.
I want to stick my head in a sand and make this go away. 5 year mission? Make it 5 months and call it a wrap.
Bonus: Lots of trivia included even tho I miss some other details These will be included in the next Radio show.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
The Big Summer Movie Guide
New Radio show now playing! Live on MNN this Saturday. mnn.org click on the ch. 56 icon at 5pm.
Today's blog will be extended thru the weekend with updates.
Now it's just a matter of where in the Top 10 of all time it's going to land. Near the top 5 maybe?
Finally we're getting The Vulture after both John Malcovich (part 3 instead of Venom) and Ben Kingsly trying out in full costume. Now with Iron Man being in the movie it could be a matter of time before Disney getting their hands on this property. PS I had that comic book issue with The Vulture, the first time I read Spiderman hence why I 've been looking forward to that villain.
Despite the shakeups Sack Zack still has he's job since they started filming JL. But remember what happened to Richard Donner when he was let go in the middle of Superman 1-2 with Christopher Reeves to be replaced with Richard Lester. That can happen here. The big surprise is them fixing the third act of Suicide Squad. Being over cautious doesn't help matters. Can't wait the outcome on that.
They are putting to much faith in all these other movies. Civil War will still rule big time. Angry Birds has lots of talent of no big name, Neighbors 2 been there done that and Crowe hasn't had a hit in years. Caps and crew win this round. 2 More weeks and we'll see CW near the Top 10 all time.
Speaking of Suicide Squad, the article highlights this very film. My favorite part is the third part, Anyone's Guess: Both Independence Day 2 and Star Trek fell on this list. Wow, no faith in these 2 what so ever. While I agree with Trek, I'm still hoping for ID2 to be decent. Actually most of these I can wait for Redbox. This summer will be nothing like last years. Remember we had 5 new Top 10 all time for 2015. Will that happen again. Nowhere close.
Can't believe they spent over $3M an episode as the SFX sure didn't show it. Now the budget is going to be even lower. Now what's going to become of that and the overall look of the show?
With the new Han Solo starring in a bio about Howard Hughes. Didn't Leo do that already. Anyways take a look at the photo. Does that look anything like a Han Solo?
So the show takes place in the same tv universe ST:TNG and DS9? Right move. Can't wait to see this show bit torrent all over the place. But if the show sucks like Enterprise CBS need not to worry. Who's going to bother to begin with.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Details on SW: Rogue One
New Live on MNN this Saturday at 5 PM on Ch. 56 along with a new Radio Show before that.
Along with the details, lots of great images included even if they are not final. Just as summer is around the corner (still feels like November here in NYC) at least we know how the year will end after all these blockbusters this year.
Very short video but still looks like a cool prop. Loved the first film and hope this works just as good. Anytime you have Aliens attacking Earth is always fun no matter how bad the script is, lol.
The X-Men spinoff is still on the boards with a female Wolverine to take over. But what happens if X-Force tanks? Hope their ready to hand over a big check to Hugh Jackman for a comeback.
Does it matter who comes back for these? It's all about Prime and his crew. And didn't Micheal Bay say he wasn't going to make these anymore? Oh I forgot, KACHING!
Well here starting that China/U.S. made films first emtnmentioned on that 60 minutes episode a while back. But didn't they learn from previous films based on video games and especially Pixels with Adam Sandler with bombed last year? And to top it off they're going to make it a trilogy?
Monday, May 16, 2016
Civil War $1Billion This Week
Hopefully a new radio show this week. Busy as heck since I got back so hopefully soon.
Ready to break the $1 Billion mark, make the top 20 of all time and 4th biggest superhero movie behind Iron Man 3, which needs to be knocked off anyways. DC really needs Suicide Squad to do huge to save face.
While I have no problem with females leading the charge aka Ghostbusters, it will be strong enough as a solo project. While Wonder Woman can hold her own as in the TV Series, can Harley and crew hold theri own. My main worry that this will push Marvel into Black Widow who does need a solo movie. I'm just thinking Wolverine and those suck.
Speaking of Iron Man 3, this corporate thinking is what is killing DC. Another bad decision along with messing Mandarin is why I hate this damn picture so much.
Wow what a long ass article. But worth it. Scroll to the bottom for the behind the scenes video and that photo of Yoda is a keeper. Most video game adaptions bomb at the box office but this could be the big surprise of the summer. It just looks great.
Sorry Dolph too old and you don't even know the character that good.And I'm speaking as a Dolph fan. Actually it really doesn't matter who they get since it'll go thru a CG process of some sort. Love the Deadpool Blu-ray with the two commentaries. Hugh Jackman helped out getting the movie made more than people know.
Was that a cool ending where Homer takes live phones calls? This article explains how they did that.
Note: Also includes link to a Youtube channel by an animator using this software. Nice.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Civil War Runaway Box Office
Slow news week but radio show still coming.
Thusday update:
Now the bet is will it top Zootopia as the big hit of the year by passing $900M and reaching the $1 Billion mark. At this pace it looks like it will with no competition until X-Men and even that won't be much of a challenge,.
What's interesting here is that Del Toro himself is ust being the executive producer and not directing the picture himself. This is the studio saying "we're having others directing and wirting this to keep under budget".
Once upon a time you would only hear of Andy Serkis name being mentioned in Mo-cap. Good to hear there's more names being recognize in this field. And anyone working on those Planet of the Apes reboot are exactly the ones you need to pull the new King Kong.
Wow that is fast for a Marvel sequel. And it looks like it's going to break the $1 Billion mark. Wonder if including Spiderman kind of helped it at the box office. Duh!
Second Wow for the day. Over $1 Billion in U.S. alone! What is scary with this is the studio can start making deals with other studios like they did with Sony's Spiderman and take over all the other franchises. Nudge Nudge Wink Wink: Warner's DC catalog anyone?
A superhero movie for $30M from the guys of Captain America? That alone I like to see how they are going to pull that off. Even Deadpool was made for a little bit more but at the sacrifice of having more X-Men. A joke within the movie that mentioned it, making it one of the funnier moments.
Cool video with Capt. Picard haning out on Byran Singers cell phone. Pretty funny remake by Stewart.
So Mad Max is doing Stormtrooper cameo thing aka Daniel Craig which was one of the funnier moments in TFA. So who are they going to get for SW9? Anyone for a Dr. Who cameo? Pick the actor.
Nice breakdown on directing the Flash as told by Smith. A fan boys dream to say the least.
Monday, May 09, 2016
Civil War 5th Biggest Opening
New Radio show finally coming this week. Live on MNN now playing on YouTube.
Well at least it took out Iron Man 3 as that did not deserve it's status. But we all know what should have been in the top 5 here don't we. Well that's why Warner/DC promoted Ben Affleck...Next.....
Well shit just got real. Not only Batman but now JL. Sack Zack better real careful now as in this business Affleck can just drop a note and Zack is outta there. That's the power of Executive Producer can do. It doesn't hurt that he got an Oscar for Producing Argo and directing it along with an Oscar for Screenwriting. With both Deadpool (blu-ray sales) and Civil War making huge money Warner's is not taking chances. Good for Affleck.
Why the 90's. That was such a boring decade.. Actually you can't even tell when these movies take place. Take a way a few props and characters and it could be any decade. Blame the budgets on that. But speaking of X-Men....
This is a Singer's baby. If if the universe is a mix bag with some good movies and some lousy ones, looking at you Wolverine. What Disney should do is buy out Fox and all of it's properties and bring over Singer and let him run the properties since Fox doesn't have a clue what to do aka F. Four.
Bring it on. These are always fun. And always a good body count. And rather see Damon do this instead of that spinoff with Hawkeye which was just plain awful.
The Writers explain how they manage to include Spiderman without all the drama of rebooting.
Friday, May 06, 2016
Civil War Box Office Champ
Season Premiere, Live on MNN, Saturday May 7 at 5 pm on Ch. 56, click here: mnn.org.
Mini-Review: Civil War: 4 out of 5
Pros: Big fight scene with Spiderman getting more than enough screen time considering it's a pretty crowded cast to begin with and the Ant-Man big surprise. Did not see that coming! Repeat for sure.
Cons: Tired of that Witch & Hawkeye matchup but at least not much screen time was spent on it.
Saturday Update:
Heading to be one of the top 5 openers of all time. Projected to be $190M for the weekend. Nice.
Another huge win for Marvel and with the international doing massive business this will have repeats and legs, something DC needs for Suicide Squad and BvS needed.
People all over the internet are complaining abut this casting. Only time will tell if this works out. I'm not being on these prequels to begin with and having someone who doesn't at least look like the character is off putting to say the least. Ford said himself to future actors: Don't do it!
$3 million an episode? Well it's sure not on the special effects that's for sure. Some of them are quite awful. But this is still one hell of a fun show and you do get a lot of story in one episode. But what gets me is all the money the network is making and they're bitching about the money. Really?
Speaking of greed, what is CBS going to do if this show tanks with the fans? Remember Enterprise?That sold like crap when they released the series it on DVD. And fans are going to torrent this like crazy just for spite against the network for taking advantage if they like the show to begin with. A no win if you ask me.
You have to give it to the producers of findings ways of keeping the show fresh and interesting after all these years. While that find and dandy this show has run out of gas long time ago. What they should do is pack it in and get on to the movie sequel long overdue. And the timing would be right as animation is huge right now at the box office.
Wednesday, May 04, 2016
May The 4th Be With You
Live on MNN back on this Saturday. New radio also coming before that.
Nice video for charity right on time for the day. Gotta admit I was waiting for the line "It's a trap!" After the video you'll see Mark Hamill doing his bid. Like Star Trek and other franchises, it's great when they make these videos for awareness for various causes.
Check out the "Jabba Flow". Hamilton meets Star Wars! Mr. Miranda and JJ do an live improve video live for the song. So Cool. And congrats to the cast for the 16 nomination on the Broadway hit.
With the success of Daredevil on Netflix this would be the best direction for the franchise. Got to give it to Urban for not giving up on this. While he does have the Star Trek franchise, he's stuck it out like Ryan Reynolds for Deadpool to keep this alive. And now looks like there's a payoff. Cool.
While I agree this needs to be redone since the original Midway movie from 1976 with Henry Fonda and an all star cast with actual battle footage, was a major disappointment, hopefully this won't be a disaster like Micheal Bay's Pearl Harbor. That was a major remake of 1970's Tora Tora Tora, which was a American and Japanese production and more faithful to the events. Emmerich and a historic event? I don't know if he's the right director for this. Check out the 18 documentary included in the article with actual footage from the battle.
Another remake from the 1970's. My thoughts? While it's noble to go back to the original material, something that legendary Director Sidney Lumet wanted to do and couldn't, These guys should have just done the movie anyway the studio wanted. First time out and your first maor breakthrough is something you do not turn down no matter your principals and morals. I mean, it stars Bruce Willis for crying out loud! Did they think they were making a classic?
Tuesday, May 03, 2016
It's A Wrap For BvS At The Box Office
"I'm Batman, I make over $1 Billion at the Box Office. You failed us. This is your fault!"
Ouch! They're writing this off before Civil War comes out in the U.S.. The body is not even cold and already they buried it. This includes 2 charts: The First one shows where it stands along the other movies and the Second has the monetary chart. Just looking at China's box office is an embarrassment and that's in second place on the chart. Ouch!
2 characters which I don't like as part of the Avengers team. I hope they concentrate on this like they did on Ultron. Enough with this and move one to the others already. Good interview through.
Is the studio reading these comments posted? These are the fans who are not even looking forward to No. 3. Especially after that trailer. The scary thing Pegg is responsible for the script which sounds like one of the weak tv episodes bloated for the big screen. And that damn motorcycle......
By the writer and producer of Bone Tomahawk. While ending of the movie was total kick ass, it took 90 minutes of boredom to get there. A wanna be Tarantino with long speeches. That's what Puppet Master doesn't need! short and sweet to the point. Get the makers of Chucky instead. They know puppets with a sense of humor.
This is what should have been on the original release especially the Making of...And Ridley Scott always does commentaries for his films so this is not a surprise as far as the double dipping is concern. But the one film comes to mind is The Force Awakens. Where are the rest of those and commentary from JJ who also does commentaries. May the double dip be with us.
Lobster with Colin Farrell: 1 out of 5. Total bore and too weird. Beware of hype, not fun at all.
The Boss: 1: I only remember one gag. Her thrown against the wall from a bed. That's it.
Criminal: 3 out of 5: Costner was cool as a mental kickass. Underrated with a great supporting cast.
Huntsman: 1: Groot should sue for the lookalikes with Emily Stone totally miscast. Yawner.
Jungle Book: 3: While the SFX with actual kid looked great I still prefer the animation. More fun.
We are going back Live on MNN this Saturday at 5pm. We are starting our 26 years on the air.
We'll talk Star Wars news and Superheros pros and cons. This is broadcast live from NYC but you can check out here:
mnn.org .... click on the Channel 56 icon on the home page at 5pm (57 icon some areas).
Monday, May 02, 2016
Civil War Huge International Box Office
Live on MNN coming this Saturday for our 26 years on the air. More details tomorrow. New Radio show also coming later this week.
Forget about everything else. Civil War will hit the Top 20 of all time and the $1 Billion at this rate.
And final note on BvsS. While it will cap at $900M while not bad numbers as it is, but when you compare with Nolan's Batman this is a real disappointment. And having Civil War kicking ass all over the box office doesn't help matters either.
5 minute video interview and over 90 pics in the gallery.
Beware ! Already this is out and really not fair since the film is not out yet. I read it and have some regrets. While it doesn't bother me to find out that the Butler did it aka HANS DIES, duh Ford was wishing that for years, There are some spoilers here that ruins the ending of the movie. You are warned, lol.
Piracy? Really. This is just a cheap excuse hiding the fact that they have no faith in these films and afraid to look bad when the films get release. Never mind spending money somewhere else on marketing. A crap film, regardless of title, is a crap film. Something their hiding from us?
Cool pictures. They need for the Falcon to see more action in this next picture. The last one was more of a tease than anything else. Yep sure got spoiled to see that ship again.
Well the writing is on the wall for this one. Considering McCartheys The Boss has bombed at the box office, she alone won't be able to carry the film and it looks like nobody cars. Looks like the first official train wreck of the summer.
Surprise! Spoilers all through the article so don't read if you haven't seen the show. Duh. But a nice surprise never the less.
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