Thursday, February 11, 2016

DeadPool Is A Hit.

New Blog Talk Radio Show now playing: Awards including Bafta predictions, Star Wars B.O. etc.

Well glad I didn't have to change the headline for this posted blog. Now that would have been embarrassing. Good for Reynolds and the sequel is going full ahead. Maybe now we can get some R Rated movies instead of being Disney friendly. Next The Punisher! Yes there was a R rated one before but I'm talking about Triple R no one under 21, massive body count brutal edition. Well studios......

Now this is a nice surprise. Reynolds hasn't had a hit in 100 years. Underground cult status character not like Captain America whose a house hold name. Rated R for foul language (fk yeah) and massive violence (did I hear body count?). Gee wasn't that Kick Ass a few year ago, a movie I own on BR (which mean I loved the hell out of it). So with all the odds against this film goers are actually getting tired of goody two shoes comic book heroes and want to up the game. Hell yeah. Got to give it to Reynolds, he never gave up on this after all these years. And already this has the go for a sequel.
Now this is a trailer instead of those other badly edited ones. Love that Batwing, a must have for the collection. Page includes 87 screenshots.
Spoiler alert but doesn't matter who dies in Sci-fi/Fantasy. Look at SW:Empire Strikes Back, Obi Wan came back and there was no stopping anyone. In Force Awakens every Ghost Jedi was putting their two cents in "Don't do this, don't do that". That would drive anyone nuts. So kill them off so  for another sequel/spinoff etc.
Gee they make a cute couple and she is adorable. Well the episode should kick ass. And adding Jonah Hex to the mix only gets better. At least it's got to be better than that butchered movie with Brolin. Less said the better.
Mr. Freeze was always one of my favorite villains with that cool outfit and helmet. But this features a more slim down version which fits the show. Gotta love those glasses, man they look so whacked. And they mention Killer Croc another favorite. Looking forward to these and more..
Yes an old link and fell behind on this one. But so did everyone else. This site includes how many comments are included. If they love it it's usually over at least 10 comments or if they really hate that this is being made it would get even more. This got only 4. No one cares! Like when Smith says he's going back to music no one jumped. Notice how that fizzled and now he's announced another sequel to this. Again no one cares. You might be saying, "Frank why did you bother putting this up, we don't care." Exactly!

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