Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Wonder Woman For The Oscar?

New Live On MNN now playing on You Tube. One more show for the summer and that's it until September which will be one show per month for the rest of the year.

Another one to see in the theatres. While this trend is picking up speed with these re-releases aka TErminator, Close Encounters, etc at least theyare putting classics that are meant to be seen on the big screen. And another way for the studios to fill those empty seats after this years disasters of sequel, reboots etc. I saw Blazing Saddles last year and brought back memories of having a gret crowd laughing along to an old classic like when I saw it in my younger years. Watch Disney re-release Star Wars in 4K for more Kaching!

BAd idea. Does anyone remember a book written about 15 years ago that told this stroy already about Khan. But it was told from Kirks point of view. Barely remember it along with the title but it was about that.
There's a lot of books about Treks past they need to go into the future. Helloooooooo....

Already the Oscar push, this and Dunkirk. But remember this makes sense. Dark Knight got like 7 nominations the first time for a superhero movie so why not WW? Dunkirk is this generations Saving Private Ryan, amovie that deserved to win for Best Picture but lost to Shakespeare in Love. Remember that one? Yep the one with Ben Affleck. Wow that hurts.

Well that was close. Emoji was beating Dunkirk on last Friday. But that burned out quick. Even surprised it even had a chance after all those bad reviews. Nope didn't get to see that one yet.

There was actually a book about Khan stranded on the planet, and Kirk wanted to know what happen on that time period leading up to the Wrath. But then again here is another copy cat about exploring different points of the history of Trek aka Transformers, Universal Monsters, Bond etc..

Dunkirk proved to be a big success in Nolan's choice of filming in 70MM Imax hence in making close to $12M at Imax thetres. What they fail to mention that Transformers 4 was in filmed in 3D Imax and was a total trainwreck.

But it doesn't answer the question. Will it be in 3D now that Imax says its cutting back. See related article.

Yep another gimmick. Maybe for a Star Wars movie but I would rather go to an amusement park for my thrill rides.

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