Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Games of Thrones Big Dragon Hit

Live on MNN this Saturday at 5pm for the summer. I included a new link for mnn.org.
just go to that page on the day of the show to see it on livestream.

Mini-reviews:1 to 5
Sharknado: 3; Yes silly and dumb but a lot more fun then most summer movies this year.
Emoji Movie: 2; where were the jokes? and not enough of Capt. Poop, the only reason to see it.
Atomic Blonde: 1; besides one or two fight scenes, it was just a total bore. no sequel please.
Kidnap: 3: Halle pulls it off to keep your attention even tho there was quite a few WTF?

The first actor to play Godzilla. My other favorite character he played was one of the Gargantuas in War of the Gargantuas along with King Kong Escapes and Frankenstein vs. Baragon. I met him once at a G-fan con. Very gracious and friendly. A meeting I will never forget.

Surprsingly Tower beats Dunkirk for the weekend but it won't even come close to getting the big International Box Office that Dunkirk is getting. Lets face it, most fans were watching  GOT and Sharknado instead of going to the cinama.

2 articles with different points on the making of the episode from the director. Just seeing the Dragon burn everything in site was a highlite of the show. Took long enough to get to the end tho.

They cover a lot so I decided to include both of them. Heck the episode earned it. Dragons!!!'

Banana ! or just thisis nuts! who figured but those little guys did me proud. And at least shut out Shrek as the biggest animantion money maker. Man I hated that franchise. So overrated.

It's easy to compare the saleries due to the properties, but one is cable and the other is cinema and at the end it's who gets the better back (extra goodies) end is the one who really is the winner.

While this is getting to be tired news, the idea of remaking On Her Secret Majestrys Secret Service sounds great. As that is the only Bond film to feature a One Shot Actor in the role. So at least it can be part of the Craig franchise. Wasn't Spectre a low key remake of You OnlyLive Twice and a bad one at that.

All those writers and the best they could come up with was that train wreck. Actually after the failure it was decided that plan didn't work out. They should of hired that monkey and his typewriter.

A blown opportunity. At least Campbell had final laugh with is own Ash series. Both the Freddy and Friday reboots failed big time. And again theyare going ahead with those Chainsaw and Halloween franchises this October. They just don't learn.

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