New Live on MNN this Saturday. This will be the last show of the summer. Promise. lol
New Update:
Wow, kind of mean ain't it. I like the last paragraph about the "5 time married" Cameron. Funny.
This is a really bad idea. And it doesn't matter who's behind this. Jared Leto was totally miscast and made a poor Joker. Hence why his part was cut. Let's face it the best part of Squad was Harley Quinn.
What abummer. No actor wants to be cut from a film. But then again here was another wasted part.
Problem is this movie has been cut to smithereens who knows what we are going to get.
So these pictures are interacting with each other which is kind of cool. But now we know that Kong was still growing in Skull Island, he can match up with Godzilla in size. Man that's huge.
These guys are close to the $1B mark. Even took the studio by surprise. Yet we are getting another DM$ and Minions. If I was one the fimmakers on this I'd be thinking or retirement in a few years, lol.
The one picture nobody predicted for her own solo movie. And as far as the numbers go, mega titles have fallen short aka BvsS which should have crossed the $1B mark and fell short. But if anything it puts pressure on future releases for DC. Both Bats and Justice are sitting ducks now. And only DC has itself to blame.
A legend that I grew up with on TV. My favorite was The FamilyJewels in which he played mutiple chracters all related to one another. Why this was never remade is beyond me. But Eddie Murphy was smart in picking the Nutty Professor. A great remake of a classic. Something very rare nowadays.
My co-host Mark didn't see what the big deal was with this franchise and hated thelast one. Me on the other hand I was like BOSS! But never mind that. According to the article the only other franchise to compete is Shrek which is by Dreamworks. Long story short. Disney is Pissed cause they are out of the loop. And how did that happened? lol.
AS far as the original goes it was a draw. You see Kong swimming away leaving viewers thinking that Godzilla lost. But Godzilla is a sea creature to begin with, so he just swam away from the fight.
"Geez, I'm king of the monsters and I'm fighting an over size Gorilla? Really? I'm outta here."
Another one? Wasn't his background and family covered in the CloneWars already? And was anyone asking for this to begin with? Sign of desperation from Disney or are they just happy to milk the merchandising as much as they could?
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