Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Fake Tony Stark


Man I hate this flick and this just adds more fuel to the fire.
Heading back to the city and finally off the road this coming weekend.
Full announcements coming first week in June as we celebrate our 1st year on
Blog Talk Radio and starting brand new season.
Well at least that's what they tell me, lol.

Mini-reviews: Based on a rating 1 to 5 as Best.

Fast 6: 4.5
Epic: 3
Hangover 3: 1
ST: Darkness 4
Great Gatsby: 1
Iron Man: 1
Pain & Gain: 3
42: 4

Full reviews coming to BTR for a brand new season in June!
Date to be announced.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Special Announcement Soon

Announcements and News on the shows and other projects
coming this week. We will continue with the usual plus some
new things to be mentioned. Stay tune. And thanks for waiting.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mini Fast 6 Review: 4.5 out of 5

Update: Stick around for the end credits, I didnt see that coming!
Fast 5 gets a 5 out of 5 first of all.

This is a great follow up to F5.
So here are the pros:
1. no super hero staying home while robot dummies do the work.
2. no lies about super villian is nothing more than an actor.
3. no relaying on over 75% CGI to achieve action sequences.
4. no revisiting previous tv show and movies plots .

And he is the con: Vin Diesel saying we are family, he's been saying this on the talk shows rounds
and says it quite a few times in the movie. It's in the trailers.
Actually it is about family, that's why it works.
ok then no cons.

Wrap up: great action scenes that are just as good as Fast 5 without doing them.
Everyone gets their share of the action.
Like ST: Darkness no chance of dozing of and not feeling like a slow dreadful 2 hours.
(thank you IM3)
Michelle Rodriguez coming back from the dead, explained, who cares,  back kicking ass
and a lot of it.
Like ST: Darkness good sense of humor about itself and not self bloated smartass (IM3)

So: Going back again, buying the BR and where the hell is 7, Hurry up already!

Update: New show will finally go on when I head back to NY next week. More details
after the holidays.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Behind the scenes article, very informative for hard core film fans.


Film making 101 behind the scenes article. Again related to the previous posts and articles on this subject. If only these incentives can come up with better scripts.

Special Thanks to Cinema Blend and all the contributors on this subject and to give the film
audience a better understanding on what goes on with behind the scenes.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Star Wars still in good hands with Abrams?


Good point of view article on Abrams on what he did with Trek and how 
that would affect Star Wars. Considering how disappointing the box office 
has been with the franchise. 
Check out near the end of the article - third paragraph
from the bottom on what Will Wheaton had to say on JJ's comment on Trek.
When you think about why did he get the job in the first place if he really wasn't a fan
to begin with?

Monday, May 20, 2013

New Star Wars Animated Series


After the disappointing Box Office of ST: Darkness they better think of putting Star Trek back
on the T.V. screen as the Star Wars Franchise is going to leave them in the dust. Just like the
situation with Marvel and D.C. With Marvel now having "The Shield" on T.V. going up against "The Arrow" and IM3 going over $1 Billion, DC is sweating with Man of Steel.
Going back to it's roots and coming from T.V. to begin wiht is the best bet for the Star Trek
franchise. But then again that's just me.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Star Trek: Darkness Disappointing Box Office


Well this is embarrassing. Where was everyone? Looks like only the die hard
Trekkers/Trekkies showed up. Even with the 3D and Imax numbers this
couldn't clear the $100M mark? They should've went with the Klingons.
This article breaks everything down. But lets not forget it still hasn't break
open the big International markets like Chian and Russian. But as far as
USA goes it's gone thru a black hole.

"It's dead Jim!"

Friday, May 17, 2013

Behind the scenes of Trek: Darkness with Mini Movie Review

Link below on the sounds of ST with Ben Burtt of Star War fame.

Mini Review of ST: Darkness. With No Spoilers.

4 out of 5.
Everything that Iron Man 3 should have been and wasn't. I'm still furious with that
Mandarin twist. It was not a twist, just very poor writing.
While this visited some previous stories they took them and
put a twist on them and made it work . They took those old ideas and with this new timeline
it became a "What if" if we did this and that. And Bazinga! A brand new Adventure!
I heard a lot of complaints about the third act. I don't get it. It kicked Ass.
And man, it had surprises! Even I didn't see them coming.

$200M budget and every penny on the screen to show for it with great directing from JJ,
good writing with lots of nudge nudge winks winks, the actors had their fun share with Scotty having his spotlight and LOTS of action. And you don't have to be a Trekker to enjoy.
But it helps, LOL...
Note: I skipped the 3D and had a heck of a time. And yes it's getting added to my Blu-ray

Live Long and enjoy the movie. Full review on Monday with the usual spoilers, lol.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Behind The Scenes of Iron Man 3


Great article on behind the scenes with things they did not want the audience
to know before the movie opened. It starts with addressing the issue with Downey Jr. getting hurt on the set and how they used CGI to fake their way thru the movie. It also touches a lot of previous articles I posted on whats wrong with the industry. This is a very long article with
great pictures so take your time with it. There will be no test on this homework assignment. LOL.
Just curious to see how much of this will be on the future Blu-ray release.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Star Trek Movie Mistakes


Movie Mistakes. Every movie has them. So while waiting for 
the new Star Trek we go over some goofs on the first one.
Hopefully JJ doesn't have this many when he does Star Wars,

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Iron Man 2 Parody


This is how I exactly feel about Iron Man 3. Enuff Said.
Check out the other videos like Twilite and LOTR.
This is some funny stuff that hits the truth.
Sometimes it makes you wonder exactly what are we seeing.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Funny Star Trek Parody


These guys do funny spoofs on movie trailers. AT the same time
they bring up some good points like how Star Trek TV Series
had all these Aliens and this reboot hardly has any. This any many
others including those annoying lens flares.
If you get a chance check out their other trailers, out favorite is the
Prometheus trailer, that one was on the money. Can't wait to see
what they do with Iron Man 3. The big suck fest of the year followed
by Evil Dead remake and Die Hard 5 or whatever number.
Man they sucked!

Friday, May 10, 2013

The tradition of Ray Harryhausen


Making of Paranorman, where the makers carry on the tradition of Stop Motion animation
and honor Ray Harryhausen as the influence and the importance of continuing this technique
of making movies. This film and Pirates! by the maker so Wallace and Gromit both were
nominated for an Oscar for Best Animation. That stupid picture by Pixar won instead. Shame.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Ray Harryhausen Mini Documentary

Cowboys and Dinosaurs. Forget about aliens. This film is a personal favorite.
The big Mish Mash show has been postponed to this weekend as I will open
with my tribute to Harryhausen and my love for his movies.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Ray Harryhausen Documentary


Tribute to Ray Harryhausen, one of my favorite artists of all time.

Note: This has not been released on DVD in the USA. Soon we hope.

Monday, May 06, 2013

IM3 has 2nd Biggest B.O. now 1st Casualty?


Over $400 Million to make? Are you kidding me? Write this one goodbye.
Actually Lone Ranger and a few others are going to be in trouble.
Superman will be a 50/50 hit but Fast 6 will be the big one. Why?
No 3D to hide behind like IM3. Take that 3D away and IM3 would be
$200m at least of track. Again a big cheat at the box office that Fast 6 
doesn't need.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

IM3 at the neighborhood cinema.

My hangout at the cinema shopping mall. IM3 played at three screens opening weekend.
2 in English and 1 in Spanish. Tickets are half price compared to NYC prices. What was
disappointing was the movie "42" did not played here. For that one I had to go to the
cinema on the other coast. More details on the show this week.

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Director Steven Soderbergh speech.

Last article on the state of Hollywood making movies. This is the most updated info
on this topic thanks to Steven Soderbergh. This will be the last topic on the business
of movies which is fitting since it fits with Iron Man 3 and the business behind that.
We will go back with more movie news and reviews and leave the business to
I pushed back the Big MIsh Mash show to include for the reason that Iron Man 3
is a total mishmash and a lousy film so it fits. Not happy with IM3 thats for sure.
Fav 3: 42, Pain and Gain, Kon Tiki believe or not. More on the show.

Note: Below link has the video from Vimeo and the audio on Soundcloud which is
located at the bottom if you scroll down. Bioth the same for your convenience.
Soderbergh nails it pretty good.


Friday, May 03, 2013

Thursday, May 02, 2013

New Article For Show.


New article for one of our topics for the big show. The video is long but it gives you a great
insight to the mentally of Hollywood nowadays. Consider this a companion article to the
previous articles already posted earlier this week.

Note: Video on Vimeo is on top and Audio on Soundcloud is on the bottom of the article.
Please scroll down for that.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Sir Paul

The big MishMash Show will happen as we say goodbye to April and welcome May with IM3.
Which by the way I'm not happy with some of the spoilers I heard already. Those don't bother
me as I said in shows before I don't care if the butler did it, just want to know why and how.
But that thing with Mandarin is got me piss and Ben Kingsley is doing his rounds on the talk show
and doing a great job bullshitting saying a what a great villain he is. Villian? What villian?

In the meantime I'm posting Sir Paul McCartney and Wings song that he wrote back in 1974
for the Venus and Mars album. So enjoy that and the show will premiere for May 3rd weekend.