Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Alita Angel battles Dragons

New show this week on MNN with new movie reviews, Oscar predictions and other news.

Battle Angel: 3, While the effects are great, to many actions scenes were in the dark. And they leave you hanging for the sequel. Like what is up with that ship in the sky? And that former Hulk cameo?
How to Train Yr Dragon. 4, Unbelievable animation, taking it to the next level. And hundreds of dragons to boot. But they spent way to much time on the meeting of the two main dragons. But hate to say it but Battle Angel doesn't have a chance against these dragons.
Cold Pursuit: 2, Liam is always great kicking ass but the dramedy and direction didn't work at all.
Likw making money is such a bad thing. Hopefully we'll get a sequel. butthe one thing they don't you is that money is coming from inflated pricing thanks to the push of seeing it in 3D Max. If this was regular 2D it would have been a bomb.
Yep streaming is taking over. And I got to admit, it's better than buying expensive box sets,
you can binge when ever or on whatever you want. How many people you see watching thier favs on thier phones or tablets on the subway on the way to work? No more physical items. ust like the music cd's with Spotify taking over the world, lol. I lost must of my Br/DVD collection thanks to Hurricane Maria and now it just makes sense with streaming instead of spending more money on replacing that collection. But that's just me. Co-host Mark on the other hand is buying those discs like crazy. LOL.
What did they expect? Once word got out that Danai Gurira (kick ass with the sword) was leaving that was putting the final nail in the coffin. And those 4 million still watching. That's Daryl doing and I hope he got a big paycheck to stay on a sinking ship.
For cying out loud give the role to Ewan already ! But how desperate the mouse is following CBS stream and bringing it to their Disney stream. Monkey see monkey do.

This article basically mentions my favs as well so not much to talk about here. But......
Sticking to my guns with GREEN BOOK for Best Picture but Roma or The Favourite will take it.
But don't be surprise if Bohemina Rap takes it. It shouldn't have been nominated to begin with.
Everything else? I'll leave it to the article.

Beginning of the end for basic television. Considering Disney (the mouse again) owns 60 % of this.
This and Netflix giving the green light to produce over 30 movies for the year. HBO who?

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