Tuesday, September 04, 2018

End of The Summer Blog

Our Live shows got renewed for the rest of the year and I should be back this October after taking care of family business this past summer. In the meantime Mark will continue to host the show. Besides this blog, my summer reviews will be mention on the live shows when the BR/DVDs come out this fall.

Wow that was quick, lol.  Just eliminate it all together. It was a dumb idea to begin with.

Crazy Asian: 1, The 1 is for respect for Michelle Yeoh what is the summers most overrated B.S. All the hype could not hide the fact this was boring as Fk and not funny at all. Talk about brainwash.
Happytime Murders: 4, The funniest completely incorrect movie of the year. Sorry Deadpool 2.
Alpha: 3 While the editing choices drove me nuts (some cuts didn't make sense), this did have a great double ending. Best part was the dog didn't die. Yeah big stickler on that.
Meg: 2 What happen to the corny parts? Cut along with the gory parts to get an PG13? While the budget was there at the beginning it looked like they ran out of money at the end. What a cop out.
Sharknado 6: 3 Time travel on a budget.. And it still works. It knows its dumb. Wish Meg knew it.
Mile 22: 1 Great idea badly done. Didn't that Bourne shaky vomit cam and cutting out of style. Biggest insult. This was Rhonda's film refitted for Mark. So no kicking ass, no lines and she dies midway holding grenades. Spoiler, I did you the favor if your a fan. She should fire her agent.
Puppet Master: 2 An update of sorts but way too much over the top gore and introduction of other silly windups took away from the originals. Even tho the flying puppet coptor was cool.

This is catching up on this past months news. All signs of despeartion from the studios and my 2 cents lol.

All this bragging about revenue and the truth is Netflix and home streaming is killing it. People are not showing up. Hell I didn't even show up for my live shows this summer. Nothing but seguels, remakes, reboots, and major franchises that were plain disappointing. Looking at you J World 2!

 Throw everything in there including the kitchen sink. Rumours Anakin and Darth Vadar making a comeback? Ghosts Jedis? Rens Knights? Then where's Jar Jar? Only the timey wimey Doctor knows for sure. They had to throw him in there too. Desperation at it's peek.

Does this picture look like their all kissing Stewarts ass to get on the new Trek. Nawww. Lets face it.
They won't admit it but Discovery was a really bad idea. Let's blame the guy we fired at the beginning. And let's put in different looking Klingons, again. Let's throw in another Spock,  bla bla bla. And if that doesn't work? Lets get Captain Picard ! You know Mcfallen has final laugh thanks to his Orville. But lets face it, who wouldn't want to see TNG again?
As far as Trek movie losing Thor and Kirk, it sure doesn't help things. I gotta admit this is so funny.
They should catch in as it probably be the last one.
And don't get me started on that Tarantino one. Interesting idea but with the studio interfering it's going to suck.

Means their desperate for ratings. And this is not gonna help at all. Waste of a category. But they still won't include Best Stunt of the year to acknowledge the stunt people who put their lives on the line.
PS look at the VMAs. Worst ratings ever. Music fans didn't care. Oscars going the same route.

Yo Craig. Go back and slash your wrists. What a dumb idea.
Final Say: Tom Hardy as the new Bond as directed by Chris Nolan.
Spinoff: Edris as 009 who's introduced in the next 007 flix. Is that so hard?