Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Big Summer Blog

Time to do some catching up. So here is the latest news from the past 2 weeks and my 2 cents on it.
Note: Due to time limits this blog will be updated in the next coming week.

Update 8/3/18
More Mini-reviews:
EQ2: 1, Denzal got it right the first time. This was a total bore. Where did the action go?
Hotel T3: 2,  liked the first 2 but this was a missed opportunity. Where did the humor go in this one?
Skyscraper: 1, 3 things missing: George the ape, Bruce Willis and token one liner: Yippy Ky Ay MF.
Mama Mia:2, Love Abba (always gad big bad crush on the blonde one) but not even Chere couldn't save this one. If you didn't know the catalog you were lost. Should have re-used the hits again.
MI Fallout: 4, Seeing Cruise take on Superman gone bad was way cool even tho Rogue Nation is the best one out of all of them. So now how is he going to top this one?

Godzilla Trailer: 5, I don't review trailers. This is the exception. This gave me chills. And to be honest this was way better than most movies seen this year. Nothing but sequels. Ugh.

Godzilla Anime 2: 1, So friggin boring. GZ does nothing till the end. Thats it? All that build up for nothing. And talk of MechaGZ and that doesn't even show up for a showdown. What a waste.

Old school at it's best. Including the original soundtrack from 1964 and to top it off, film scratches all over the original print. Total classic. Much more talk on Godzilla coming soon to this blog.

Compare to other franchises, this should have opened bigger. Either way we're still going to get some more sequels on the way. But Bond producers should hire Cruise as a producer. He knows what kind of action the audience wants.action.

He should go for the Bond franchise. He was on the list before so why not. Even tho I'm still for Tom Hardy since he could bring in Nolan since Nolan always covers him for work. Either one would be great. Craig is too old for it now anyways.  Time for fresh blood all around.

Not to be a down head but all this reeks of desperation. Let's bring back everyone so the hardcore will stop bitching and show up. Lando anyone? At least the promised the end of the Skywalker plotline.
That has worned out it's welcome as soon as they mentioned Rey parents were just drunks, thats when everything out the window. Now about those tv versions......

About time. Now we can get F4 and X-Men to join The Avengers. Have Wolverine join Deadpool sequel with a NC-17 rating. Body Count! And call Neil and Signourney about that Alien sequel.

Or Plan B: Ratings tank and Andrew steps. They offer $20M to Norman whether shows survives or not. Done deal for both. Now that's a pack lol.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ant-Man & Wasp Hit Big

New Live show on MNN hosted by Mark on July 14. Lots of reviews and Con coverage.

Ant-Man & Wasp: 3, Great SFX with lots of action to boot as set pieces but story itself is so Meh.
Sicario 2: 2, Didn't like the first one, didn't like this one. Great acting, boring script.
Gotti: 3, Travolta nails it for a Golden Globe but this deserves 3 hours on Netflix and not so rushed.

What we don't need is another joker movie. They didn't get him right with Leno and now this? And Leno is still doing another one. The story is from The Killing Joke and I hated that movie. Last but not least talk about miscasting. Ok I'm done.

Compare to other Marvel titles this should have done better, but since nobody was actually asking for this, it's lucky it made what it did. But this will die quick since July does have Johnson and Cruise to contend with. And internationally? Well.......

Wow, reeks of desperation. Way too late to save the trilogy that it won't matter. But it should be a cool cameo. Yep, cameo. Did anyone see him on Dancing with the Stars last year? He could barely stand up never mind trying to dance. Cue oxygen tank off screen. So KK still got a job? I'm surprised lol.

There goes re-doing that third act gig again. Does anyone read these scripts? The more I hear about this movie the more disappointing it sounds like. They never got any of these right since the original even tho A vs P was the closest to the Dark Horse comics version. But that screamed of a budget of $150M at that time and was never made. So we got the watered down PG version of it.

This and Avengers are the big titles to look forward to. Lots of great material here and hopefully Avengers not only have the extra footage but have a commentary with some of the actors included. Reynold did a great commentary on the first DP, which should set an example for the producers of Avengers to follow.