Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Dunkirk No. 1, JL Costly Reshoots

New Live on MNN this coming Saturday. Previous show now playing on You tube.

Dunkirk: 4 out of 5: Nearly perfect except for some editing choices bur that's just me. Nolan and company will get Oscar nods all around. And that boy band kid to my surprise, can act!
Apes: 2 out of 5: Boring, too long, animal abuse, but Serkis still should get recognized for his work

More details on the reshoot process. Having Superman walking around with a moustache is funny as shit fro some reason. But how bad is it that they have to spend $25M to fix this? Then again they did the same with Rouge ONe and that turn out okay. If it's for the better no matter the cost then do it.

Would someone make up thier mind? Besides Jenkins people holding out for more money the real trick is will she ba able to make other DC films like the deal Snyder had. That's the main question.

While Dunkirk is the first Oscar contender so far this year, Valerian is this years biggest turkey for sure. This is going to need that foreign cash for sure to rescue this. Oh well.

If anyone saw our last show and my meltdown with these movies in the past 3 months, imagine what the studios are goin through trying to save their jobs. Bad lazy decisions is what happens.

Wow that's a lot of money for reshoots. Is is that bad that it needs reshoots? And that mustache is hysterical.

Finally we get the official sequel news. Director comes back and Gal hopefully gets a big paycheck.

More woman power. But the film itself will have a lot of new things from the MCU that we haven't seen yet that will keep it fresh. As far as fatigue goes Marvel is doing a great job with all that is happening

This is such a great photo that I had to post it. That's all, lol.

Guess he needs the paycheck. They turned down his Directing chops, got rid of the script he wrote and he came close to getting the boot. But when a studio gets rid of a top director just to be replaced by a even better director (you know the stories), an actor never knows when he can be easily replaced.

Well that was quick gig. Guess the the show really wants a clean slate with a new cast. But that trailer looks wicked. The first original Doctor with Capaldi. That's going to be a fun Xmas show.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Apes Win Over Spiderman

Blog posted late due to workload. New Live on MNN now playing on Youtube.

Both Dunkirk and Girls are doing better than expected. And Valerian tanking worse than they thought. Ouch. Co-host Mark saw Valerian and gave it a 1 out of 5. Enough said, lol.

While Apes should have taken a bigger cut of about $75 is not the news here. That Spidey lost over 60 percent is the news. Again sequel fatigue and it doens't help people got burn with the last Spidey.
What helps here is both will have a great box office overseas.

The first serious film of the summer and one that doesn't clock over 2 hours! Why all these movies so bloated to begin with? And Apes looks like another film not to stay at No. 1 for 2 weeks in a row. And of course there's that Nolan and the Oscar talk and that doesn't hurt at all. This will have legs as it won't have a huge opening but with no competition, A bubble Rhinna doesn't help matters, this will play out thru August.

So while they started introducing new villians and Vulture finally made it to the big screen where are the iconic ones like Mysterio (who almost made it even they did Raimis; number 4, and Kraven the Hunter? At least there's no mention of Goblin. That's enough of that.

Interesting interview on Besson. While I love his films and this one looks interesting, it's greating trashed big time on RT. Well that goes that franchise. lol.

Get over it. This show needs a good kick in the ass. While Capaldi was great in the role as the doctor the show itself was weak, tired and completely out of ideas. And that budget did not help. Did people forget that most Doctors were older then when it came back with a younger Doc thanks to Eccleston that people were up in arms with that, then we got nothing but younger ones. Does that make sense?

Monday, July 10, 2017

Spiderman Brings It Home

Live on MNN this Saturday: Spidey and WW coverage and sequel wrap up. Radio show soon.

Spidey mini-review: 4 out o 5. Nearly perfect. Just needed to cut out about 10 minutes or the pacing and that ending with Tony Stark was kind of dragged out. Did we really need to see Pepper? But that extra end credit sequence about being patient was hysterical. Audience loved it and stay for that too!
And we finally got Vulture after both Ben Kingsley and John Malkovitch costumed fitted for the role but it never happened. Well at least Kingsley got a chance to be in a Spidey film for a forgettable role as Manderin an actor? WTF?!!! 

Spoilers if you haven't seen the movie yet. Wait a second, what are you waiting for? lol.

Article filler. Only No. 5 is what really counts.  And I said this for years and got ridiculed big time that Sony would never deal with Marvel. Even Producer Ava said on the commentary on AS2 that he owned it and that's that. Money talks and with the success of this film good ole Spidey proved me right.

Actually it should be #2 with Doc Oct, #1 with Goblin then Homecoming with AS with The Lizard to wrap it up. Both with Venom and Electro in their reboots sucked big time.

Those little guys did it again. Even tho it's going strong it's doubtful that it's going to break the $1B mark with all the fatigue going one with sequels. Hope doesn't effect a Minions 2, but that's just me.
I didn't know Jackie Chan did a sci-fi movie. Well how about that. Still going strong. But Sci-fi?

Mendez was great on Skyfall but Spectre sucked and he was a fan. Nolan might be a fan but his action sequences are dull. Maybe Dunkirk might change all that. As far as Craig coming back he is getting too old. They avoid that oldest Bond thing like Moore who is my second fav next to Connery. But this series also needs fresh blood. No reboot necessary, just pick up like Spiderman. Bond just reports to M first thing in the morning and get his assignment. Jeez why do they over think this shit?
Trvia: OHMSS Opening sequence: "Why this never happened to the other guy" Get it?

They're actually taking this joke serioulys. I can hear it now. Fast 9 From Out of Space. Let the jokes begin. But really where else can they take this. Aha! Another Bond idea: Undersea! 
See: The Spy Who Loved Me and the Atlantis underwater station. They had submarines right? lol.

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Wonder Woman Power

Note: Both Live on MNN and the Radio Show will be back next week. Details then.
This Blog: Franchises sinking big time with only a few survivors. You go Wonder Woman!

Saturday Update:
Spidey to clear $100M for the weekend and looks like this too will have legs like WW. With no competition ahead it's clear sailing for July. Of course we have Dunkirk and that Valerian sci-fi, big fan of Luc, but they ain't no friendly neighborhood Spiderman lol. Review next week.
Note: Spoilers are all over the place including the end credits so be warned.

DM3; 4 out 5: Funnier then the 2nd, fast paced,  a lot of story in a short time, everyone has thier moment, better villain. Could have used more minions but thats just me.
Okja: 3 : Came close to a 4. Main problem was the tone. It just swung way to much. Message here, funny joke there, nastiness against animals. sadness all around. Especially when parents rescue their baby knowing they're are going to die. Jeez that was tough. Cast was great so ignore bad reviews.

Well they're huge as expected but the again will sequel fatigue set in. Also it's the foreign box office saving the day which will collapse when they figure out "Wait a second didn't we see this already?" or even a better "same shit different title, kind of". Just ask Transformers in China....ouch lol.
And who looked who moved up to No. 3 in the top five. Yep girl power.

While everyone is saying this is going to open big, across the internet speaks another story. Another Spiderman and Micheal Who? is playing Vulture (how soon they forget) and of course the whole sequel/reboot thing could hurt this. Opens big then dies quick. So far only Wonder Leggs has proven them wrong (sorry had to go there). The second week $$$ is what to watch for.

All these franchises suffer from tired blood and no imagination resulting in weak sequels. Will they learn? Nope but it comes down to this: An executive greenlights a new fresh concept and it tanks, he'sout of a job. greenlight the same fomula aka reboot, sequel, whatever and whether it's a success (he takes all the credit not the filmmakers) or it tanks (he blames global warming) and he gets a chance to keep he's job while bullshiting the stockholders why he's still the best man to run the studio. Pretty sad ain't it. And anyone tells you different is trying to keep his job. There you have it.

There's a lot of bragging to be had here and let's face it she deserves it. Now the hardcore might say internationally she still can't be BvsS. Actually she won that battle too. How? Simple:
Both Batman and Superman are two of the worlds biggest comic book icons on both tv and cinema. But combine on the big screen they couldn't even break the $1M mark. Hell even Batman solo broke the $1M mark. So BvsS should quietly let WW have her moment. To be honest it's an embarrassment for the DCU. And if you hate that remark, then it's ok to be in denial, lol.
And the best part? Director Jenkins is back for the sequel ! Great news all around.

Even those minions were a little off at the box office, as I said to be expected as the second was weak and some didn't forget that. Even tho a much stronger opening than the others will the minions and family stay strong in the coming weeks with both Spidey and Apes. And the rule applies to both of them also. Except Spidey will have that WW luck of having legs including repeat viewings. And the apes, coming after Spidey, Yikes. This summer has been all about legs in the U.S. market which most have not. And it took the international B.O. to save their asses in recouping of their budgets, and even that has been a struggle. Speaking of which.......

Take away both China's B.O. and U.S. and the picture barely breaks even in both production and marketing costs. But the funny part is how they screwed up on their biggest market to the point of people walking out of the theatre before the picture is over. Wow, if that's not an indication of a dying franchise then the studio is screwed.

Wow all these excuses on why these comedies are tanking. Simple: They're just are not funny. And how many gross out things can you do before you start yawning with the same jokes over and over again. There goes that pissing/crapping/vomiting at the Disney Resort family pool again.

The one film that does not need a remake, reboot, sequel call it whatever. This belongs in a time capsule and call it day. So many other films have come out that it doesn't even matter. And most people nowadays believe there's something out there anyways. What gets me is how many times Spielberg went back to fix this aka Lucas SW and Ridleys Blade Runner. The original was the best one. The Special Ed had Dreyfaus looking up into the ship and we see R2D2 and Mickey Mouse hanging out. Pretty Funny. They don't mention which one they're going to release but it's still pretty cool to see it on the big screen if you get the chance.