Thursday, April 27, 2017

Guardians Huge Box Office Galaxy

Live On MNN now playing on Youtube. This is our last show for the spring season. It will return sometime in June. From now on this blog will be posted on Tuesday for a complete review of the box office. Previous Radio show now playing: FF Franchise.

Got on a plane and I'm currently settling in to my new spot. More on a new radio show next week plus a new blog hence why I took a break this week. Movie review coming Monday for Guardians.
Huge opening weekend predictions. With great reviews how can it miss. While it's expected F8 to hit the top 10 all time and beating that Beauty & Beast Borefest, many are wondering where will GG2 land. This should be fun.

This is doing just as good as F7 and is not track for the top 10 of all time. Where will Guardians land with the final take at the box office And already Guardians has made $100M internationally  with a lot more markets to open in the next few weeks.

Wow this is going to be huge. Even a bigger opening than FF at the U.S. box office. Already release in some international countries this is doing great business as The first Avengers movie and that one wind up in the top 10 of all time. So let the FF vs Guardians showdown begin. Who will win at the end of thier run?
They should have included this in the last film. Well doesn't matter the last one sucked anyways.
Hated tht whole friggin Engineers plot. Well at least we're getting our Aliens in this one.
Love Pirates and their ships. But for the life of me I can't remember anything from the last movie besides the Keith Richards cameo. And the third one sucked to high heaven. First two were fun. Hopefully they have their game back on this one. Well reviews are pretty good for being another sequel.
He's gotta have those one liners. That what made JP2 tolerable even tho most people hated it. I liked it myself just for being darker and that whole Godzilla thru the city ripoff. And hopefully he can make up for ID4 sequel which was just horrible all around.
With Fast Furious franchise doing huge business, why are they waiting so long to release these.
Didn't those 6 Oscars nods and Huge box office world wide make a difference. People can't get enough of these car chases and crashes. And he's going to direct a smaller movie before getting back to these. I just don't get it.
Great news. He would've ruined it like every other film he does. But then again while there's a lot of fans out there waiting for this but like most series from the 1980's they tanked at the box office. Think Power Rangers and how quickly that disappeared. Transformers being the exception.
Fincher and zombies. Two things that don't mix. Wow, this is going to be boring. While Fincher is an excellent director in his own right, some subjects just don't jell well and this could be one of them.
Sure both Pitt and Fincher worked on 4 projects together but this one is a head scrather.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Some Furious Box Office Results

New Live on MNN this Saturday. This will be our last live show for spring. We will be back live sometime in June. New Radio Show now playing: FF Franchise.

Maybe they realized they are running out of ideas and stunts. But money talks and they could still do spinoffs aka Star Wars. Butall eyes are on the box office as there is no competition will the film still fade out as this film is really not built on repeats like the others. That whole NYC sequence was a blowout as far as I'm concern. But being a New Yorker it's a miss opportunity when the city sure looks alot like Atlanta. (well of course it was film down there).
Talk about Furious anyone notice that there are two direct references to Bond, both said by Tyrese in F6 and F7. And the last Bond Spectre needed what Furious has done in the last trilogy. Good drama, great action with imagination and funny in the right places.  After seeing Spectre 3 times, it really is a bore fest for a Bond film. Get new writers and and new Bond, Craig really looked ragged in the last one. Bond needs to be rebooted. Hey hire the guys from Furious that might work. As far as the studios go to believe that Sony only made $38M profit is a joke. Really?
Yikes, that's crazy. And it breaks Force Awakens box office record. Guess the force is strong with Vin. Actually Awaken wasn't release at the same time, it was released a month later in China. But even then it wouldn't have mattered as Awakens only made a little over $125M in it's entire initial run. So there, lol.
Mini-review: 4out of 5. Not as strong as 6 & 7 with No. 5 still being the best. But still a lot of fun.
Thanks to China this should cross the $1B mark. No. 7 made $390M in China alone. And if this comes close to that it will clear that mark. Star Wars wish it had these numbers.Now that's embarrasing.
Outer Space? Don't forget the volcano, lol. In No. 6, Tyrese mentions a reference to James Bond. So writer Chris Morgan really has Bond in the back of his mind. As this article has a point where can the Furious go for more ideas.  While the idea is far fetch don't forget this franchise totally ignores the rules of gravity. So they can go anywhere. If Bond can go into space, anyone can go no matter how ridiculous the idea.
While we are taking a break as I have to head down south to vsit family, look at what we'll be missing in the meantime. Actually not much. Most of these I could stay home and wait for Netflix. But we will have the radio show and this blog for reviews in the meantime until we come back.
Besides Guardians 2 for the summer the ones I'm most curious about are:

Wonder Woman: Will DC get their heads out of their ass? Or screw this up also?
Despicabloe Me 3: Love these minions but No.2 had a stupid plot. Will this have a better one?
Spiderman Homecoming: This has to be better than the last 2 and it has Iron Man cameo.
War for Planet of the Apes: Love my apes and the tech but are they dragging this out a bit?
The big question is after Furious and Beauty braking the $1Billion mark who else is going to join them at the mark. Maybe Transformers but not much else until Star Wars at the end of the year.

Funny how money talks doesn't it. With F8 heading to a $1B mark it would be foolish to break up the team. If it's not broken........
With rumours of another King Kong movie might in the works after the success of Skull Island, it looks like they rather just jump into Godzilla vs KK battle nad just have Kong on tv. So maybe we still get to see those huge ants that was mentioned in the movie seen heard but not seen.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Fate And The Furious Future Box Office

New Live On MNN now playing on YouTube. Radio show this week: Rogue One BR full review.
The answer to the Quiz: The cinematography of Godzilla 2014 is doing the latest Hugh Jackman's film, The Greatest Showman. Check it out on
While the latest picture will be huge at the boxoffice, the thing that boggles my mind is the budget, rumoured to be $250M. That's fine but do they think it will be in the top 10 of all time like No.7?
Sure it's got Russian and China upfront take but that price tage might be a bit much.
Now we're talking, now this is how to do a a trailer. Playing the song of Led Zeppelin's "The Immigrant Song" was magic. Talk about chills up the spine. And the best punchline ever: "We se to work together!" And why the most watch? The replays over and over, well I sure did.
Kind of lame when you think about it. While the heart is in the right place and coming after the release of the Blu-ray release of Rogue One. But you were kind of expecting a bit more.
Speaking of which... would someone make up their mind? No image CGI but........
Speaking of which again...this is so spot on. Which makes its even funnier. But the break down of this is the best, how much money will you spend on filling in a plot hole over 40 years ago, lol.

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Rogue One Blu-ray And Kong World Wide Box Office

New Live on MNN coming this Saturday. New Radio show before that. Also photo of me as a background actor on Law & Order SVU 400th episode. Why? It's the same location that was used for Hugh Jackman's new movie. Also the quiz of  what GZ 2014 and Logan have in common will be answered.

When this magazine of this statue brings this up you know there's a problem with this release.
The big mention of course there's no mention on behind the scenes making of with the reshoots.
More questions than answers can be really fustrating for sure.

I cry Bullshit! there was enough completed scenes for them to include or just give us the directors cut. Either way down the line there should be a double dip as Disney knows the fans would buy this again. I know I would. But how long will this take? Only the house of mouse knows that.
Finally Beauty and the Beast got it's boring ass kick out of the top spot. Good for you Baldwin, lets face it, people love his take on Trump. But the real story here is that Kong Skull Island is a huge hit in China. And with that it's going to cross the $500M. We have a winner folks and that's all that matter. Still in the top 5 for the week and Logan still in the top 10. Hell yeah.
Finally completed work on this project which is edning this week. The ironic thing of this article is that this particular day was filmed 3 blocks away from where I live and they didn't even call me for this day. I was there the previous day as this same location the day before where they filmed Law & Order SVU. The big famous steps at 60 Center St. where they filmed their 400 anniversary episode.
More explain on our live show and radio show.but in the movie they used actual fire breathing people for the film but are going to use CGI animals instead. Talk about backwards, lol.
While it's a short trailer, it does give you a glimpse on the look of the video. Also another hint on that quiz of what Godzilla and Hugh Jackman have in common. The actual clip is on Youtube now.
He's perfect for this. While Marvel was serious about it's movies they did allow Whedon to have humour in his movies, all tongue in cheek which is what those DC movies need. We don't need another gloomy end of the world flix. Which I hope Wonder Woman. Which will show her as smart, sexy sassy with a sense of humour. Which some of us call marriage material.
Another reboot that nobody is asking for. I was never a fan of this except fo the time travel one whatever number that was. It's movie like these is why our show will wrap up in a few years. It's getting to be a stretch talking about something that's already done, been there, etc.

Bonus: Screen shots of some of the shows I've done: Law and Order SVu and Blue Bloods.