Thursday, October 20, 2016

Creature Features On MNN

Live on MNN this Saturday at 5pm: ..The Big Halloween Show, but before that....
New Blog Talk Radio Postponed till next week: The Big Halloween Show Pt. 1.

Watching Krampus dvd again but this time with dvd commentary. Full review on both the radio show and live MNN. One of these writers did Superman Returns. Yes I'm very concern hence why I'm listening to the commentary tonite.
While this is great news for us Giant Creature fans and building a franchise out of this, why on earth did they hire these guys.  While Krampus was not a bad b-movie, it had it's moments based on the Xmas mythology, this is a bit of  a stretch for the KKvGZ universe. They must have come cheap. But when they are setting up a writer's room it's a win win for us fans.
So the rumour on the internet that this clip is better than his latest film. Well I thought the first Jack Reacher was a fkin bore I'm def not interested in the new one. But wow, Corden rocks it with this montage. And Cruise looks like he does have a great time doing this. Even better.
Is it me or does this look boring. It seems like the whole movie is explained in the trailer. Both Jackman and Stewart look like they want to be back on Broadway instead of being in this film.
Why? Well at least they mention Ray Harryhausen which is the best adaption. But there were so many others not mention in this article so why bother?
Didn't they learn from Burton last try at this? And where can they take this. Once you get the Golden Ticket that's it. Unless they find a new breed of spoiled brats. Wait, that sounds like Hollywood.
Wow what a let down of a review. Well in defense Fox studios where going to remake this as a major feature. But instead decided to ride the "Live on TV" aspect. In a way that's good cause let's face it, it's cult classic and remaking this would be a disaster. So let's take this angle and be done with it.

Bonus: By request, some like when I add this so here goes regardless of subject matter:
This covers the top ten on both Blu-ray and DVD sales and rentals. At first look it can be a little bit confusing but it does show fans taste on their movies. But Ghostbusters? who knew? And I actually like it. Who knew? lol.

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