Monday, February 29, 2016

"And The Winner is......"

New Radio Now Playing: Oscar post show and all the winners and screw ups.

One of my favorite actors of all time. Especially great being Clint Eastwood's right hand man in many of his movies. From his Bio he stated that Eastwood himself asked him so say his lines in Eiger Sanction as people didn't want to hear Eastwood speak as he was a man of action. But he trusted Oscar winner Kennedy to cover him. You can't get a bigger compliment than that. RIP big guy.

My Predictions: Please see the previous blog for my picks.
Well 9 out of 13 for the major awards and 5 out of 5 for the tech awards all going to Mad Max. Yes!
Not too bad except for the big one. Spotlight instead of The Revenant.  Really?
Also  Stallone, Winslet and Star Wars all being dissed. Ex-Machina? Really over TFA? WTF!
As for the rest of the show Chris Rock struggle with the jokes, well he did walk a fine line without going over board as I mentioned on previous radio shows. How to not to offend while trying to make your point across. Tough position to be in.
How Stallone got dissed for Creed was a total ripoff. Over a theatre performer who's had barely enough screentime in his career. What bullshit.
And while I had no problem with Alica Vikander winning for Danish Girl , Kate Kinslet had the better performance in Steve Jobs. didn't even recognize here. So category was up for grabs. Thats fine.
Star Wars getting dissed for all the other awards was also bullshit. Not even one. No force here whatsoever.
And while I did pick Sam Jones Spectre song, it was crime after Lady Gaga did a Tour De Force on her performance. She sold it as an Oscar winning song. And the big tears came after "Writing on the Wall" won. Think about it. How many other cool Bond songs never won that were better. You can have your pick here. For me? Half the damn catalog was better than this B-side of a song.
But for me the highlights was my Minions (thats right I won't let it go) C3PO & Co., Toy Story and of course all those Mad Max wins. What a lovely Day indeed.
And the rest of the show? Too long and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
Bonus: Again they screwed up "In Memory" leaving out Fish, Leatherface, Phantasm stars and the biggest shame Uggie the Dog from "The Artist" but they include a film Critic? WTF?!?!?
Lowest Ratings since 2008. That's what they get for not nominating Star Wars and Straight Outta Compton. And nobody wanted to hear about that Diversity topic when Chris Rock says Leo made $30M last year. Also most of these movies did not clear the $100M, what was there to root for? And with so many other award shows before the Oscars predicting who will win all the fun is taken out on who's going to win. Most were a no brainer. Even Spotlight won the Independent Award on Saturday.
Again they screwed up on this one. But a film critic made it to the list. How the hell did that happen?
Cool video included but the shoutout goes to David Groel for a cool performance doing The Beatles' Blackbird.

Oscar Bonus:
Wrapup from the professionals on the outcome. Cool if your a Mad Max fan.

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