Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Star Wars Rebels and Super Heroes

New Blog Talk Radio Show coming this week. So much to cover.
They got both Yoda and Vadar with Princess Leia added to the mix. What's there not to love. Oh yeah that stupid Light Saber from Daddy Issue himself Kylo Ren. Man that character annoys me. PS did anyone count how many times the main title theme was played in TFA, considering it was a theme originality written for ST A New Hope. Talk about promoting from within, lol.
While I wasn't big on The Arrow, that Flash/Arrow combo episode really hit an all time high. And with the introduction of Legends of Tomorrow. Which just adds to that big mysterious question of the cosmos. Why does DC get TV right when Marvel can't. That Agent Carter did not do good in the ratings. But that's another story.
Three are included here. Talking about DC, now is the scary part. Marvel has this right, will Warner's who own the rights to justice (no pun intended really) to the material and it's roots? And did Keven Smith look wired like heck doing the special last night. Pretty funny wasn't it. But man what a treat it was that's for sure. But Wait! there is
I am not sold on Squad yet as it looks like an extended tv episode, not its a bad thing. But it looks like there's something missing. Or hopefully the trailer is not showing everything like they usually do. And can someone please get Green Lantern right for a change? How difficult is it to....oh never mind, I'm tired of knocking my head on the wall with this character. But those Blu-ray look great on the TV big Screen.

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