Monday, July 14, 2014

It's A Mad House with Monday Movie News Links

With over $70M at the Box Office, People love their Apes. These are links from the past few days and decided to post most of them today to celebrate. These will be mentioned more with a new show later this week on Blog Talk Radio. Also: Happy BDay Ford and RIP Tommy Ramone., so
Final figures from this past weekend. Well looks like Part 3 will be green lighted soon.
This has spoilers in which explains some of the stories related to the movie if you haven't yet seen it.
5 pictures included but if you click on the first picture it will take you to the major wite that has all the picutres from the gallary and its a lot of great stuff included here.
All the major actors who starred in the franchise but they missed one important one.
As much we Ape fans are, we don't like to talk about Burton's Planet of the Apes" BUT
Charleton Heston, Astronaut Taylor in the original, did a cameo in the Burton's flix in
monkey makeup saying the line "Damn them, Damn them to hell. Heston was retired by then
but did his a a favor. Thank god he was in make up. I rather remember him as Taylor.
Gret article that also hints with his role in Star Wars 7. And why is Jar Jar mentioned?
While I love Blad Runner, that is more of a Ridley Scott film than a Ford film. Here are my Favs:
1. Han Solo 2. Indy Jones 3. Air Force One 4. Blade Runner 5. Fugitive
Rocket to Russia is on my top 100 Album/CD list of all time. It's that good. Being a
Nu Yawker I had the pleasure in meeting these all of these cool guys, and seeing them a whole
lotta times. Both The Tommy Ramone Years and the Marky Ramone Years. And one of the best
Rock and Roll Movies thanks to Roger Corman's Rock N Roll High School.
One of Tommy's final interviews.

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